Page 58 - Tania Chaves
P. 58
Con: There is no physical separation between work
and leisure time.
Many who work from home lamented that they often find
themselves working around the clock, since their labour
has no definite start or end times. As a result, they
The cons of working Con: There is no physical sometimes feel like they are literally always at work,
from home are: separation between work making it difficult to shift to the post-work relaxation mode
and leisure time. that many office workers take for granted.
The absence of an obvious division between the personal
and professional realms means some remote workers get
distracted by housework.
"It's a constant balancing act to make sure you're taking
enough time for your family and yourself," says Carrie Hill,
co-founder of Ignitor Digital Marketing, who has been
working from home for the last six years. "The pitfall is
that there's always a computer on and available, so
Con: It is easy to misread Con: You must make the setting boundaries and sticking to those boundaries is
cues via electronic effort to get a change of pretty important."
communications. scenery.