Page 60 - Tania Chaves
P. 60
Connectivity: Productivity: Mental Health:
•Protecting personal data •Telecommuters on average work more •The lack of human interaction and
days per year than the average office being confined to working in your
•Focus worker living space can be mentally draining.
•External environmental factors influence
•employees working from home are workflow. •It can be harder to find sources of
suffering from poor cell signal inspiration while working away from
coverage and daily internet •Psychological factors such as sense can your colleagues.
either distract or benefit workflow.
connectivity issues.
•Ability to curate workspace in accordance •Being in the house all can cause
•Responsibility with personal needs cabin fever resulting in depression.
•Establish a Household Routine •Risk of overworking and burnout due
to lack of assessment
•Communication •Setting boundaries/ Following a schedule
•Video conference •Working from home is all about location.
•Higher risk of procrastinating due to
intertwining of home/work life.
•Fluidity of work schedule aids in prioritizing 60