Page 29 - Wayne Keating
P. 29
Polymer Polypropylene
Swatch Sample Why This Material? Attributes/Applications
Polypropylene is often seen in everyday life, so -Low cost.
as a finish it is one everyone is exposed to and -Good impact resistance.
hence is used constantly in design. Though -Good fatigue and wear resistance.
simple in nature to recreate, it is when different
lustres are used is when the material becomes -Good electrical insulator.
unique from other polymers and why it is used -Low melting point.
so much in industry. -High tensile strength.
-Good heat resistance.
Manufacture Process
-Disposable bottles.
PP is created using the polymerisation of propylene -Shopping bags.
gas. It is also a thermoplastic, which means it can be
Real Life Sample remoulded to another form when at change of vis- -Medical Components
cousity. Similar to other polymers, it was first discov- -Outdoor furniture
ered in 1951 by Philips Petroleum. The price is -Furniture.
roughly 50 cent per kg, hence why it is such a go to -Food Containers.
material for general consumption.
Sample Creation Process
The second layer was a coat of
The template, when made, is applied
with a white plastic primer after the clear lacquer of the white to
initial grey layer. The white is applied show a full glossy finish. The
again to strengthen the finish, leaving other end was layered on twice
a satin white finish. The piece is split with a matted black. This in turn
into 3 to show other shades and fin- shows how it looks under light
ishes. with varying lustres.
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