Page 13 - Damian Bogacki
P. 13


                                                                                    Safety                                                                                                           Material

                                                                • Product : The product itself has                                                                                        • Metal : Copper
                                                                  very little safety features. The                                                                                                      Stainless steal

                                                                  grip of the product is angled to

                                                                  protect fingers from sliping and                                                                                        • Polymer : Polypropylene
                                                                  in result burning yourself. The

                                                                  metal template is a safety                                                                                              • Elastimer : Thermoset

                                                                  hazard do to a slipy surface                                          Function

                        Size                                      and over heating of the material.
                                                                  Changing nibs using pliers as

                                                                  suggested in the manual isnt                           • Active Use : The device has to be

                • Weight :                                        the easiest and safest due to                            pluged into a sucet in order to
                   Product - 200g                                 the nib slipines and possible                            power the product. Once thats

                   Package - 220g                                 burn on cloths and skin.                                 done the option of selecting 15-30

                   Nibs - 63g                                                                                              watts is presented to be selected
                   Stand - 11g                                   • Regulations : The manual and                            before selecting the wattage type

                   Template - 38g                                  lables on the package indicate                          of nib can be selected. When the

                                                                   safe use however it is not very                         wattage is selected the light on
                       • Dimentions :                              well thought out. Majority of                           the product lights up red and
                         Product - L 215mm x                       the safety issues that have arose                       that indicates the product being

                         W 30mm x D 30mm,                          are not displayed in the manual.                        on. after about 3 min the neck

                         Wire + Plug - L 1160mm                                                                            and nib hot and the product is
                          x W 50mm x D 20mm,                                                                               ready to be used.

                          Package - L 250mm x

                          W 145mm x D 50mm,                                                                              • Inactive Use : When the product
                          Template - L 100mm x                                                                             in hand held use it still stays

                          W 150mm x D 0.5mm,                                                                               warm and in result has to be

                          Stand - L 80mm x                                                                                 placed on a stand or somewhere

                          W 50mm x D 0.5mm,                                                                                that it will not cause any damage
                                                                                                                           to anything or anyone.

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