Page 9 - Damian Bogacki
P. 9


                                                                                                                        Analysis of the Out Of Box Experience

                 Package and                                                                                                    Aestethic and

           First Impression                                     Package Unboxing                                         Contents Analysis                                            Product Usage

        • Sealed with a wrap to prevent                          • Altho the package itself is easy • The content of the package is                                               • When the product was used the

          from opening before purchese.   to open the lid does not to                                                      very presentable and pleasent                            experience wasnt as pleasent

          Gives the consumer the                                   remain in the open position                             to take out. Nibs altho loose                            and easy as presumed before
          reasurance that the package                              which makes taking out the                              in the polymer are effortless                            unboxing the product.

          and content hasnt been                                   product uncomfortable.                                  to take out and put back in.                           • Altho the product was easy in

          tempered with.
                                                                 • Everything in the box has a                           • After taking out of the box the                          use the nib didnt heat fast
        • Front of the package is see                              designated place provided by                            aesthetics of the product still                          enough and there was issues

          trough. This allowes the                                 a thin see trough polymer and                           remained very slick and fit the                          when trying to use the

          customer to view the contents    the package is designed to be                                                   target market of the hobbiest                            template.

          without having to open the                               reused to store the product.                            due to its shape and counter
                                                                                                                                                                                  • High number of users
          package and encourages the                                                                                       intuative features.                                      complanied about the cable
          customer to pures it.                                  • Nibs are very loose in the
                                                                   polymer which can cause them • All the extra parts present well                                                  being in the way and the grip

        • Brand, Cnontent and Guarantee   to fall out when the box is                                                       after taking them out of the                            being to thick and

          clearly displayed at the front of    moved around. Due to that nibs   package.                                                                                            uncomfortableto use.

          the package.                                             might be lost and customer
                                                                   dissatisfaction will be created.

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