Page 7 - Damian Bogacki
P. 7


                                                                                                                                                       Identifying a Nieche Market

                                                               Bio                                                                                          Personality

                                                               Jake Lynch is a carpenter and he loves his work.                                              Extrovert                                           Introvert

                                                               He enjoys the connection to nature as also the

                                                               look and feel of wooden products in general.                                                 Creative                                          Uncreative
                                                               He is a really skilled man with a lot of experiance

                                                               and knowladge about a veriaty of aspects in                                                   Judging                                          Perceiving

                                                               carpentry, such as wood grain, wood life cycle,

                                                               strenght and durability of different types of wood.
                                                               Jake also lives in a house were most of the

                                                               enteriour is made ot of wood to give him that nice,                                          Skills

                                                               warm, homey feeling. Jake would like to try out in                                            Wood Turning
                 Jake Lynch                                    pyrography however isnt to sure where to start.

                                                               He would like to persue it with more of a hobby                                              Chiseling
                                                               approach, however the aestetics and functionality

                                                               of the product are very important to him.                                                     Pyrography

                      30 years old

                                                               • Become more experianced in pyrography                                                        Tools

                                                               • Create a nice wood burned piece of art
                      Lives in Cork                            • Express himself trough wood burning                                                          Laid, Dremel, Band Saw, Hand Saw,

                                                                                                                                                              Jicsaw, Sander, Chisel, Clamps, Drill,

                                                               Obstacles                                                                                      Pillar Drill, Router, Glue Gun, Heat Gun,

                                                                                                                                                              Nail Gun, Hot Wire
                      Carpenter                                • Shortage of time

                                                               • Little knowladge about pyrography
                                                               • Unexperienced with the tool

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