Page 12 - Damian Bogacki
P. 12


                                                                                   Cost                                                                                                     Environment

                                                              • Product Price : €19.95                                                                                                • Place : Areas that this product

                                                              • Breakdown : Copper - around                                                                                             would be used in are garage,
                                                                                                                                                                                        workshop, studio and outdoors.
                  Aesthetics                                    €1.00                                                                                                                 • Restrictions : Short lenth of

                                                                Stainlessn Steel Neck - around

                                                                80 cents                                                                                                                cable is an indicator of where
        • Shape : Product has a smooth                          Polypropylene Body - around                                                                                             the product can be used as
          feel and an intuative system                          60 cents                                                               Customer                                         also the fumes and strong

          of use represented by black                                                                                                                                                   unpleasent odor produced by

          elastimer. It has a long head                       • Package : Clear Acrylic - around                          • Market : The product is aimed at                            burning material at hand.
          that conducts heat.                                   €1.00                                                       pyrography novice and hobbiest.                             Restrictions of this product

                                                                Polyethylenem - around €2.40                                However an unexperienced
         • Details : The Grip of the device                                                                                 consumer may presume its for                                can be visable when changing
           is very uncomfortable due to                       • Cost of full production : in                                an experience demographic due                               the nibs. Due to the heat

           its gurth. The product includes                      arounds €7                                                  to presentation and available                               coming of the nibs as also the

           23 replacable nibs that very                                                                                     functions of this product.                                  product, the product cant be

           from each other, a template                        • Distribution : Range, Amazon,                                                                                           placed on every surface.
           that is unpractical and an                           DIY Stores                                                • Potentail Users : Experianced

           unsteady stand that looks                                                                                        users is a potential market                                                                                                          • Dimentions :

           looks cheap.                                                                                                     for this product as also people                                                                                                        Product - L 215mm x
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   W 30mm x D 30mm,
                                                                                                                            that work in carpentry. This
         • Presentation : Product and the                                                                                   product has the potentail to be                                                                                                        Wire + Plug - L 1160mm
           packge present really well on                                                                                                                                                                                                                            x W 50mm x D 20mm,

           the shelf and encourage a                                                                                        adjusted into different markets                                                                                                         Package - L 250mm x
                                                                                                                            due to its changable heat output.
           novice to buy this product due                                                                                                                                                                                                                           W 145mm x D 50mm,

           to the see trough packing and                                                                                  • Mood : When seeing this product                                                                                                         Template - L 100mm x
           all the add extras are displayed.                                                                                on the shelf when purchesing                                                                                                            W 150mm x D 0.5mm,

           However nibs after use have                                                                                      you experience the feeling of                                                                                                           Stand - L 80mm x

           residue on them.                                                                                                 excitment and need as also                                                                                                              W 50mm x D 0.5mm,
                                                                                                                            profesionalism for novice users.

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