Page 67 - Maeve Whelan
P. 67

                                                  STEP 2: PRIME TEMPLATES

                                                                                         STEP 3: SPRAYED TEMPLATE WITH MATT BLACK

                  Silicone Rubber                                                                                                                                                Manufacturing

      Silicone rubber is  a very  specific rubber                                                                                                                   Methods of treatment of silicone rubbers are

      product. You will not see silicone rubber items                                                                                                               categorized           as      high-temperature              curing
      as  much  as  other  rubbers,  such  as                                                                                                                       process  (HTV)  and  low-temperature  curing

      styrene-butadiene or natural rubber, due  to                                                                                                                  process (RTV) based on the types of polymer

      its specialized range of properties that are                                                                                                                  used.  Depending on  the specifications  of the
      suitable for just a handful of applications. It's                                                                                                             finished product, the manufacture of silicon

      more  expensive  than  its  other  rubber                                                                                                                     rubber is done in different ways. Some of these
      counterparts.                                                                                                                                                 production methods  include  injection  molding

                                                                                                                                                                    AND extrusion.
      In  the  early  1930s,  Corning  Glass  employed  a

      chemist, James Franklin Hyde, to test and                                                                                                                     •Extrusion is a manufacturing process designed

      experiment  with  silicon  to  create  a  resinous                                                                                                            to shape a silicon rubber product by the use of
      binder that could be used to insulate high                                                                                                                    a die.

      temperature engines and generators. Hyde was
      able to successfully manufacture silicone and                                                                                                                 •During the process, the raw materials (silicon,

      the term for this new high-temperature,                                                                                                                       rubber,  catalyst,  binders,  among  other
      synthetic compound spread.                                                         EXAMPLES                                                                   additives) are fed into the extruder at high

                                                                                                                                                                    temperatures coupled with the spinning motion
      Corning Glass and Dow Chemical Company                                                                                                                        of the screw.

      started  a  program  for  the  production  and
      manufacture  of  silicones  in  1942.  Over  time,                                                                                                            •The material is then forced through die of a

      silicone rubber products such as sealing                                                                                                                      given form before the post-curing process.

      compounds,  wire  insulation  and  aviation
      equipment started to be produced. They also                                                                                                                   •The finished product is then cleaned, cooled

      made "Silly Putty" the popular children's toy.                                                                                                                and cut to the required sizes.
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