Page 68 - Maeve Whelan
P. 68

                                              STEP 2: PRIME TEMPLATES                                                                                      EXCESS FOR GRAIN EFFECT

                                                                                      STEP 3: SPRAYED TEMPLATE WITH IVORY SILK

                   Birch Wood                                                                                                                                              Manufacturing

 Methods of treatment of silicone rubbers are

 categorized   as   high-temperature   curing        Birch  trees are members of the Betula                                                          The success of wood manufacturing rests on the mill’s ability
 process  (HTV)  and  low-temperature  curing   family  and  grow  abundantly  in  North                                                             to retain the wood’s quality throughout the manufacturing
 process (RTV) based on the types of polymer   America. Birch wood is typically creamy

 used.  Depending on  the specifications  of the   white in the sap wood and then golden                                                             •Edging: Removing irregular edges and defects from sawn
 finished product, the manufacture of silicon   brown in the core stock. Paper birch is                                                              pieces.
 rubber is done in different ways. Some of these   dominated by sapwood with small brown

 production methods  include  injection  molding   knotty hearts running down the middle,                                                            •Trimming: The trimmer squares off the ends of lumber into

 AND extrusion.  while  yellow  birch  is  typically  a  larger                                                                                      uniform pieces based on market dimensions.
     diameter tree with a significant amount of

 •Extrusion is a manufacturing process designed   golden brown in the center.                                                                        •Rough  Lumber  Sorting:  Pieces  are  segregated  based  on
 to shape a silicon rubber product by the use of                                                                                                     dimension and final product production: unseasoned (known as

 a die.   As far as hardwoods are concerned, Birch                                                                                                   green), or dry.
     is easy to use and fairly priced, making it a

 •During the process, the raw materials (silicon,   perfect  craft  wood.  Birch  is  a  solid,  hard                                                •Stickering:  Lumber  destined  for  dry  production  is  stacked
                                                                                                                                                     with spacers (known as stickers) that allow air to circulate
 rubber,  catalyst,  binders,  among  other            and  heavy  birch  with  a  good  shock                                                       within the stack. (Green product skips this stage).
 additives) are fed into the extruder at high   resistance. Birch is easy to use with power

 temperatures coupled with the spinning motion   tools.                                                                                              •Drying:  Lumber  is  kiln-dried  to  facilitate  natural  MC
 of the screw.                                                           EXAMPLES                                                                    evaporation.
      Wood is made, turned and shaped to

 •The material is then forced through die of a   produce   toys,   tongue   depressors,                                                              •Planning: Smoothing the surface of each lumber piece and

 given form before the post-curing process.   toothpicks,  paper  pulp  and  high-end                                                                making its width and thickness uniform.
     furniture. In addition, the birch keeps the

 •The finished product is then cleaned, cooled   screws and nails firmly and sticks easily.                                                          •Grading: The process of assessing the characteristics of
 and cut to the required sizes.                                                                                                                      each lumber piece in order to assign its “grade” (quality).
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