Page 25 - fredo Eyong
P. 25

influences mood. It also analyses personality traits, such as
    Extraversion and Neuroticism, to understand their connection to the
    likelihood of developing SAD.
    The research further considers environmental influences on SAD,
    pinpointing factors like design, atmosphere, weather, sensory
    experiences, and social factors as key contributors. The Donald
    Norman emotional design framework is applied to explain how
    different design elements can affect our emotions.
    Light therapy emerges as a vital treatment strategy for SAD within the
    study, due to its alignment with our natural body rhythms and its
    proven benefits for mood and mental performance. The Double
    Diamond design process is utilized to structure the research,
    promoting a thorough and repeated examination of SAD-related
    An Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods (ESMM) approach is
    adopted to merge different types of data, providing a comprehensive
    understanding of the emotional and physical effects of light on those
    with SAD.
    At the heart of the study is the pivotal question: “How can interaction
    design be used to improve the daily lives of people with SAD in their
    homes, thereby enhancing their well-being?”
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