Page 30 - fredo Eyong
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The Quantitative data was collected through surveys which were
created in MS Word, hosted on MS Forms, and circulated via emails
and social media platforms like WhatsApp, Meta, Instagram and
iMessage. This survey consisted of fourteen carefully written
questions which were intended to gain an understanding of how
knowledgeable the general public was of SAD and its symptoms, to
capture the intricate and nuanced perspective of respondents the
numerical data obtained was statically analysed for insights.
Qualitative data was collected via semi-structured interviews,
involving two SAD patients, one lighting designer, one doctor, a
student services office representative and a university counsellor.
These interviews provided valuable insights which were essential to
Learnings from Survey Survey
The survey examined participants’ awareness, experiences, and
the project. The blend of both streams of data was pivotal in
enriching the project, as it allowed for a more holistic approach in
attitudes towards Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), including
understanding of the research question. The surveys offered breadth demographic distrib
impact of seasonal changes. It highlighted current symptom
of information, lending to established trends and generalisations,
while the interviews offered depth and context, unearthing underlying mitigation method
reasons, opinions and motivations. The combination of these data
potential concerns, preferred usage locations, and belief in circadian
streams enhanced the validity and reliability of the research findings, rhythm-supportin
user-centric design solutions for SAD. What design solutions can be
thereby ensuring a comprehensive and thorough exploration of the
research questions.
developed to meet the specific needs of individuals with SAD?
Chapter 03: Define
Designing the approach- Interviews Findings
Data Collection Interviews
Conducting interviews with SAD participants, yielded a wealth of
In the study, 6 interviews were conducted to delve into the nuances of qualitative data
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and its surrounding support lived experiences of the
mechanisms. Interviews with two SAD-affected individuals were
daily routines, particularly with the domestic environment and the
carried out via MS Teams, employing a consistent set of questions in people next to th
a shuffled sequence to maintain methodological integrity. during winter months was ide
Face-to-face interviews were also held with a university counsellor for symptoms, unde
and a medical doctor. The aim of interviewing a university Student Both participants r
Service Office representative was to gain insights into student highlighting the emoti
support structures, while an interior lighting designer was consulted of the home were
to understand the impact of lighting on mood within indoor
home environment does play a pivotal role in managing SAD
environments. With the participants’ permission, all sessions were symptoms. Both part
recorded, enabling thorough thematic analysis of the transcripts. modifications to thei
This analysis was pivotal in answering the primary research question, as altering their
Research and Design Project
which in turn informed the project’s design direction. Data from the However, there wa
SAD interviews were organised on Figma boards for theme analysis for additional suppor
and innovation opportunity, a process that was similarly applied to the effects of SAD