Page 35 - fredo Eyong
P. 35
Raphynia is a dedicated and compassionate nurse who has been working in a
hospital for 8 years. She is known for her excellent patient care and ability to
handle stressful situations with calmness. However, during the winter months,
Raphynia experiences symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which
affects her mood and energy levels. She finds it challenging to stay positive and
motivated during this time,
especially when working long shifts in a hospital environment.
- Raphynia is frustrated by the limited access to natural sunlight
during her long shifts in the
- She is frustrated by the negative impact of SAD on her mood
and energy levels, which affects
her ability to provide the best
care for her patients.
- She is frustrated by the lack of options available in the hospital
environment to address the symptoms of SAD
- To find a product or service that can extend the availability of
sunlight in hospitals, schools, and clinics.
- A solution that can create a positive and uplifting atmosphere
for both patients and
healthcare professionals.
- Aims to improve her own well-being and maintain her motivation
and enthusiasm for her work.
- Needs a nurturing environment that fosters positive
emotions and well-being.
- Needs access to sunlight or a suitable alternative to
maintain her energy levels and mood.
Chapter 03: Define
Personas 3
Ethan is working on a new design project that requires him to work
long hours indoors during the winter months. As the days
become shorter and darker, he starts to experience a decline in his
mood and motivation due to his SAD symptoms. He wishes
he had a lighting solution that could replicate the warm and energiz-
Name: Ethan ing glow of natural sunlight, providing him with the
Background: Ethan is a 28-year-old designer who experiences
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) during the darker months of necessary boost to stay
often collaborates with international clients, and being
the year. He spends most of his time indoors working on design
projects and finds it challenging to get enough natural sunlight, able to adjust the li
create a more immersive and productive work environment.
which worsens his SAD symptoms. Ethan is passionate about He feels frustrated by the l
creating visually stunning designs and is always looking for ways
to improve his well-being and productivity in his indoor workspace. is eager to find a s
creativity, and productivity while working indoors.
Pain Points
1. Feeling trapped indoors and disconnected from the outside world 1. Lack of natural
to the limited exposure to natural light. Ethan's SAD symptoms, leading to decreased mo
energy levels.
Research and Design Project
2. Struggling to find a lighting solution that effectively mimics the
2. Limited exposure to natural light affects his creativity and
benefits hinders his ability to produce high-quality designs.
of natural sunlight, impacting his overall well-being and productivity.
3. The absence of a lighting solution that replicates the benefits
3. Not being able to customize lighting settings to match different
timezones, resulting in a lack of flexibility and adaptability in his of natural sunlig
inspiring and comfortable work environment.