Page 5 - fredo Eyong
P. 5

Chapter 01: Introduction
    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a common kind of  depression that affects
    about 12 million individuals in northern Europe (NHS 2023). This illness is
    defined by recurrent depression episodes that often manifest during certain
    seasons, particularly in winter when there is less sunshine exposure. The
    correlation between sunshine, serotonin levels, and SAD is well established.
    Individuals with SAD have reduced levels of serotonin, a vital neurotransmitter
    involved in mood regulation, especially during the winter months when there is a
    lack of sunshine.
    Moreover, persons with SAD have serotonin imbalances.
    The research and design conducted in this document focus on utilising
  Research and Design Project
    interaction design to enhance the well-being of individuals with seasonal
    affective disorder(SAD) in a domestic environment to improve their overall health
    and well-being that are worsened by decreased sunshine exposure, which is
    further compounded by a lack of vitamin (Partonen, 1998)
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