Page 10 - fredo Eyong
P. 10

Chapter 01: Introduction
    Phase 3 Development  Phase 4 Delivery
    In the Ideation Phase, I was immersed in creating solutions and   In the prototyping pha
    sketching initial concepts, which were the physical manifestations of   that began with
    my ideas. Setting a bold hypothesis directed my project’s trajectory.   using Figma to e
    Using Figma and Miro, I collaborated with stakeholders, employing   interface. This was
    Crazy 8s and mind mapping to expand our creative horizons. My   that involved observing
    sketches evolved into detailed proposals, each fostering further   assimilating their va
    discussion. This phase was a creative expedition, setting the   feedback highlighted cri
    groundwork for innovation and future discoveries..   Acting on these insights, I execute
             wireframes to a high-fidelity prototype that showcased a more
  Research and Design Project
             intricate and refined design. This process continued with further
             testing and refinement of the high-fidelity prototype, ensuring that
             each iteration was informed by ongoing user feedback, ultimately
             leading to a final design that resonated with user needs and
             expectations. This iterative process was pivotal in shaping a
             user-centric design that evolved through continuous improvement
             and adaptation
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