Page 13 - fredo Eyong
P. 13

Chapter 02: Research
    In my literature review, I delve into how interaction design can be
    harnessed to improve the daily lives of individuals suffering from
    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) within the confines of their homes,
    aiming to enhance their well-being. Here’s a personal account of the
             Research and Design Methodology: I outline the methodologies
    key insights gathered:  I employed in my research and design work, specifically the Doubl
    Understanding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): I begin by shedding  Diamond design pro
    light on SAD, discussing its widespread impact, the common
             Methods (ESMM) approach.
    symptoms that affect sufferers, and the crucial role   Problem Statement: I present the
    neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin, play in this condition.  research: “How can i
    Domestic Environment and Well-being: I explore the intricate
             interactions of people with SAD in their homes to enhance their
    relationship between one’s home environment and their mental
    health. I consider how elements like aesthetics, sensory experiences,   Ethics and Resea
    social interactions, and even the climate contribute to the mental   considerations and
  Research and Design Project
    well-being of those living with SAD.
             significance of conducting ethical research and ensuring the
    Emotional Design and the Influence of Light on Emotions:   well-being of participants.
    I discuss the principles of emotional design, drawing on Donald   Through this literatur
    Norman’s work, and examine how light exposure is intricately linked to  understanding th
             the transformative potential of interaction design in creating a
             supportive domestic environment for their well-being.
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