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A study by Blume et al. (2019) examined the correlation between
             neuroticism in symptom-free periods and the severity of depression in
             SAD patients, revealing that higher neuroticism scores in summer
             could predict more severe depressive symptoms in winter.
             Additionally, the study found that SAD patients exhibit increased
             neuroticism and decreased extraversion in winter compared to
             healthy controls.
             Individuals with SAD face several challenges, including:
             Decreased Serotonin Levels: Those with winter-pattern SAD exhibit
             lower serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter integral to mood regulation.
             Cognitive Deficits: The lack of sunlight during winter months can
             result in reduced vitamin D levels, which in turn diminishes serotonin
             activity, affecting working memory, cognitive processing speed, and
             motor coordination.
             Personality Traits: Certain personality traits, such as neuroticism and
             extraversion, may intensify the severity of SAD symptoms, with higher
             neuroticism linked to more severe depression in winter.
             Environmental Factors: The domestic setting plays a crucial role in
             the mental health of individuals with SAD, with aspects such as
             aesthetics, sensory experiences, social interactions, familiarity, and
             climate exerting a significant impact.
             Chapter 02: Research
    negative emotions to form strong connections with products and   Understanding the influe
    brands. Norman’s framework is composed of three interrelated levels   on emotions is cru
    that influence our perception and interaction with the world   Disorder (SAD). The emotio
    (Komninos, 2020):  insights into how design can be leveraged to improve the emotional
    Visceral Level: This level is concerned with the instinctual and   well-being of users b
    involuntary aspects of human emotions, which are deeply rooted and  design elements.
    largely beyond our conscious control.
             In conclusion, emotional design seeks to create a comprehensive
    Behavioural Level: This level deals with the subconscious   product experience by consid
    assessment of situations, leading to the development of purposeful   elements can influen
    strategies that are efficient in terms of time and activities required.  ultimately lead
    Reflective Level: At this level, individuals engage in conscious   experience.
    thought, reflection, and learning, forming innovative ideas and   The figure below shows t
    generalizations about the world (Komninos, 2020).  designer to product to user.
    These levels, while distinct, are interconnected and collectively shape
  Research and Design Project
    our overall emotional perception and interaction with our
    environment. The visceral level relates to the initial impact of a design
    and the emotional response it triggers. The behavioural level is
    associated with the practical experience of using the product, often
    linked to user experience. The reflective level involves the user’s
    contemplation and analysis of the product  , including thoughts and
    considerations before, during, and after its use.  Don Normand Emotional Design Principl
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