Page 19 - fredo Eyong
P. 19

How It Applies to this Project
             User-Centred Design Process: The project will incorporate
             continuous user feedback and user testing to refine the product.
    This project aims to develop a user-centric solution guided by Don
             Design iterations will be informed by this feedback, ensuring the final
    Norman’s Emotional Design Principles, focusing on creating a
    product that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional
             solution resonates with users on an emotional level and adheres to
    and enjoyable to use.
             the established emotional design principles.
             The goal is to create a solution that not only meets the immediate
    Project Overview: The initiative seeks to design a product that
    elicits positive emotions right from the initial visual engagement,
             needs of users but also fosters a deep connection with the product,
    adhering to the Visceral phase of emotional design. It will ensure the
             leading to a harmonious blend of utility, pleasure, and emotional
    product’s effectiveness and user pleasure during the Behavioural
    phase, prioritising intuitive functionality for an enjoyable user
             The Influence of Light on Emotions
    experience. In the Reflective phase, the project will evaluate the
    long-term impact on users, aiming to cultivate lasting positive
             The study of light’s impact on human emotions encompasses its
             physiological and psychological effects. Light, a form of radiation
    experiences that enhance brand loyalty and satisfaction.
    Methodology: To align the solution with user needs, the project will
             within the electromagnetic spectrum, is most effectively represented
             by its spectral distribution, which measures energy or photons by
    employ a mixed-method research strategy, starting with quantitative
    surveys distributed to the general public. This will be complemented
             wavelength. Visible light ranges from 380 to 780 nm (Blume et al., 2019).
             1. Circadian Rhythms: Circadian rhythms are 24-hour biological
    by qualitative interviews with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
             processes influencing physiological and behavioural functions. The
    patients and medical professionals. The data gathered will be
    analysed using an exploratory sequential mixed-method approach to  suprachiasmatic nucle
             rhythms, aligning our internal biological cycles with the 24-hour solar
    identify design opportunities.
             cycle (Blume et al., 2019).
             Chapter 02: Research
    The collaboration with various design disciplines is crucial to reveal   This process, a
    challenges and opportunities. The primary goal is to empathise with   ensures that desig
    users, comprehending their thoughts and emotions to ascertain their  grounded in a deep
    needs and expectations accurately.  more effective and user-friendly products and servic
    Phase 2: Synthesis The collected data is then analysed and distilled  Diamond Design Pro
    to its essence. This refined information is utilised to reformulate the   design and user
    problem statement, delineate the range of possibilities, and
    recalibrate the project’s objectives. This phase ensures that the   How it was Applied t
    design direction is firmly rooted in user-centric data.  Phase 1: Discovery At the outset
    Phase 3: Ideation With a clear problem definition in place, the   SAD. My research design
    process moves to ideation, where generating a multitude of concepts  and an Exploratory
    is key. The focus here is on the volume of ideas rather than their   dual approach: cond
    initial quality. These concepts are then enhanced through user   from scholarly articles
    feedback and the input of other design disciplines, fostering a   and interviews to unde
  Research and Design Project
    collaborative environment for innovation.  Phase 2: Definition Following data collection,
    Phase 4: Implementation The final phase culminates in the   analysis to synthesise the fin
    realisation of a solution that meets user needs. Prototypes are   themes and pinpoint de
    constructed and rigorously tested with users to refine the design. A   needs of people wi
    finalised design concept is then presented, encapsulating the   ideation phase.
    insights and feedback garnered throughout the process.
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