Page 1 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 4
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THE EGO Ivy Informer
Volume 3 Issue 4 September 30, 2017
We Love Our HBCUs!
Members of Epsilon Gamma Omega donned their Historically Black College and University (HBCU)
paraphernalia at the September Chapter Meeting. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.'s national campaign, Think
HBCU, is designed to highlight HBCU contributions in our society. HBCUs are an integral part of the higher
education montage in the United States. There are approximately 100 HBCUs scattered across the country
which enroll more than 300,000 students per year. HBCUs in the U.S. continue to drive initiatives to confront
educational challenges and to increase higher education opportunities in the black community. Through
Leadership Conference.…Page 4 Alabama Statewide Cluster…Page 6 New Members Workshop…Page 9
Wine and Cheese Gala…Page 11 Chapter Retreat…Page 13 Program Targets…Page 16