Page 9 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 4
P. 9
THE EGO Ivy Informer
Article and Photos by: Soror Sonya Davis-Dillard
The Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO) Chapter does it again! Phase 2 of the New Member
Orientation Workshop, planned and implemented by Soror Sonya Dillard and the
Reactivation and Transfers Sub-Committee, was held on Saturday, September 9th,
2017 at 8:45 a.m. on the campus of Alabama A&M University in the Dawson Building.
Phase 2 of this workshop was presided over by
Soror Tonya Wood, Chairman Membership
Committee, who gave the Welcome and Greetings
to attendees.
Soror Sonya Dillard shared a brief meditation on the characteristics of being
a good and active Sorority Member dedicated to service. This was followed
by Soror Lorraine
Lacy’s segment
on “Tech Tips”,
keeping us up-to-
date with
technology, how
to access EGO’s
website, and
update the new
member’s information. Much information was
shared on the EGO Structure and Officers by Soror
Cheryl M. Davis. Our Basileus, Soror Wilma
Ruffin, enlightened the new members on Succession
Planning and Soror Renee Knight led us all in the
“Do You Remember?” segment, which gave new
members a chance to recite the pledge and sing the
Also, the required pairing of Mentors to Mentees of our newly transferred and reactivated Sorors was
conducted by Soror Dawn Stanley, Sub-Committee Lead of the Sister2Sister Connection under the cognizance
of the Membership Committee.
Each attendee to the workshop received a pink treat bag as a thank you gift. There were nine newly reactivated
or transferred Sorors in attendance. There was a total of 28 Sorors in attendance and the information provided
by all was informative, entertaining and educational!