Page 2 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 4 Issue 1
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                    THE EGO Ivy Informer

                                          Basileus Corner

                                           Soror Wilma J. Ruffin

        Greetings Sorors,

        Yes, you are viewing the May issue of the EGO Ivy Informer.  This edition has been held in abeyance because of
        my perceived extremely busy schedule.  Yet, this issue contains very significant, important chapter information
        as well as historic milestones that should not be archived and not published, such as our 2018 Founders’ Day
        Celebration and pictures of our Beloved Diamond Soror, Ivy Beyond the Wall, Soror Evangeline Spillman, that
        I know each of us will treasure and hold dear. Additionally, our Newsletter Editor, Soror Yolanda Dial, completed
        the newsletter in a timely manner and shame on me for not releasing timely. Thank you Soror Yolanda for this
        and other wonderful issues of our newsletter.

        When this issue of the newsletter was written, it was decided it would be dedicated to Soror Tracy Gates for her
        generous financial support to sponsor the decorations for our 2018 Founders’ Day Reception.  Her generosity
        allowed the decorating committee to transform the First Missionary Baptist Church gymnasium into an elegant
        reception hall befitting to receive a Supreme Basileus; the 29th Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan
        Wilson, our Founders’ Day keynote speaker.

        Soror Tracy, we thank you for your generosity and we appreciate your love for
        Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter and
        we recognize that the spark that keeps that flame of love aglow for AKA was ignited
        when you were initiated into Gamma Mu Chapter at Alabama A&M University.
        Soror Tracy is a member of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter.

                           ALPHA KAPPA ALPHA SORORITY, INC.
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