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THE EGO Ivy Informer
Volume 4 Issue: 1 – Sunset Edition December 31, 2018 (The Year in Review)
Fabulous Founders’ Day
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated celebrated 110 years of existence. On Sunday, March 18, 2018 at
First Missionary Baptist Church at 3:00 p.m., Epsilon Gamma Omega (EGO), Rho Chi Omega (RCO), and
Omicron Zeta (OZ) Chapters jointly hosted the Annual Founders’ Day Celebration to commemorate and pay
homage to the founders of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated and charter members of the three local
chapters. The theme for this occasion was: “Service, Sisterhood, and Scholarship: A Legacy of Excellence.”
Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, Supreme Basileus of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated was the
featured speaker. Mrs. Adrienne PK Washington, 24th Southeastern Regional Director, was also among the very
special guests. The “Singing Pearls” (EGO) and “Ivy Reflections” (RCO) provided soul-stirring music during
the program.
Continued on Page 5
Basileus Corner…Page 2 MasquerAKAde…Page 7 New Member Workshop…Page 9 Our Diamond…Page 10
Movie Night…Page 12 60 Deb Ball…Page 13 EGO Ivies Beyond the Wall…Page 26 EGO Around Town…Page 28