Page 3 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 4 Issue 1
P. 3
THE EGO Ivy Informer
Soror Tracy is the owner of the Busy Bee Café, originally started in 1947 by Lucy Jackson, purchased by Soror
Tracy’s father in the early 1980’s, the ever-popular Busy Bee Cafe is still serving up soul food. This popular,
historic Atlanta Restaurant is frequented by celebrities, politicians and many well-known dignitaries. Alpha
Kappa Alpha sorors worldwide had an opportunity to enjoy the “Best Fried Chicken” and soul food during the
2018 Boule in Atlanta. Please visit the Busy Bee Café website: - read the rich
history and note Soror Tracy’s accomplishments, ingenuity and commitment to the growth and sustainability of
her business. Thank you Soror Tracy.
As we all know, since this issue of the newsletter was written, numerous extraordinary, amazing, noteworthy
programs, events and activities have been conducted by Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter. Please know the
newsletter issues were not produced due to negligence of the newsletter committee, they were waiting for my
forward movement.
We welcome to our sisterhood our 59 new members of EGO!