Page 3 - THE EGO Ivy Informer Volume 3 Issue 5
P. 3
THE EGO Ivy Informer
We, the 330 members of Epsilon Gamma Omega Chapter, have successfully completed another productive
and impactful year. In 2017 we contributed thousands of hours of heartfelt committed service to the citizens
of Huntsville Madison County, conducted memorable programs and activities, Community Impact Days,
formed and nurtured impactful partnerships and collaborations, mentored our undergraduate sorors and our
new EGO members, hosted successful reactivation activities and welcomed many new sorors to our chapter.
Your labor of love is evident in the quality of programs and events planned and implemented. Our 2017
contributions have met the mark of Excellence! If I have NOT told you personally, THANK YOU! Please
know that I am deeply grateful to each soror who has contributed to the success of the chapter. Yet, there is
always more to do…and we will continue, as we Launch New Dimensions of Service through the powers and
Grace of EGO Sorors!
As we bring in the New Year “Let’s Celebrate the EGO Ivy Informer” and the grand informational resource it
provides for the chapter!
Much enjoyment as you peruse this issue,
Soror Wilma
Wishing you a Blessed New Year. May the road you walk be a smooth one, may your troubles be few, if
any, may the days and years that lie ahead be healthy, happy and many. May you have friends in
abundance. May the sun shine bright around you. May the world be a wonderful place to live, may God’s
love always surround you.