Page 6 - PLP December 2022 Primary
P. 6
06 Highlights December 2022 Secondary Highlights
El Dia de los Muertos fancy-dress competition
Halloween has now long gone and the memory of the Day of the Dead, La Toussaint and of Walpurgis, which hit Park Lane on Tuesday 1st November with vivid decorations and frightening games has slowly faded away. Our MFL students celebrated by dressing up as Catrinas, Skulls, all in white, or as witches and wizards. Later on they gathered in the Learning Centre for a costume competi- tion, games and dancing.
Students learned that these celebrations are designed to honour life and the beauty of remembering those who have come be- fore us. They understood that during these celebrations, the dead can become a part of the living world, as families tell stories and reflect on their memories of them.
The results of the best costume competi- tion for students can be seen below:
The teacher competition was as hard to decide but our top 3 were:
1. Anna Nieffer
2. Jim Dunwell
3. Amy Haase
A huge thank you to the Learning Center staff for being so dedicated and accommo- dating, to the staff that went above and beyond and to the students who looked scarier than usual.;)
Year 7
Year 8
Maya Girdhard
Matyáš Kafka Šimon Mareš
The MFL Department
Rafael Ondáš
Vojtěch Tománek / Winston King
Laura Margetinova
Lilly Ann Hohmann
to commemorate 28 October
On the 21st of October, the Czech Depart- ment held an Assembly to commemorate the Foundation of Czechoslovakia in 1918. Students listened to the original Czech- oslovak anthem. They learned about the most important personalities who proved their bravery during WW1. We asked our students what bravery means to them and we chose the most interesting answers in each year group. You can see the winners in the gallery.
Iveta Slavětínská a Gabriela Costiou, Czech Department
Remembering the Veterans
On Friday, 11th of November, Mr. Trevor, ably assisted by Veronika I and Barbara H from Y11, led a very moving assembly commemorating Remembrance Day.
During the assembly, Mr. Trevor talked about the “Forgotten Allies” of the war, specifically the soldiers of the Burmese army who fought for the British during World War II. The assembly finished with students bowing their heads and think- ing about the sacrifices made by so many across the world.
The Commonwealth Remembrance Day ceremony took place on Sunday, 13th November, at the Olšany War Cemetery. A group of Park Lane staff, parents and students represented the school. As part of the ceremony, after observing a period of silent reflection, our students lay pop- pies on the graves as a mark of respect, remembrance and commemoration.
Could 15 Minutes
of Blindness Open
Your Eyes?
Y9 CAL students have been learning about senses in their Czech lessons. They have discussed what life would be like without sight, and as October was Blindness Awareness Month, they visited the Invisible Exhibition in Prague.
The exhibition brings the worlds with and without sight closer to each other and teaches how we can help and understand those who cannot see. Our students
and teachers were led by a blind person through 7 differently furnished places in complete darkness. It was a unique inter- active journey to an invisible world, where in total darkness, we found our way out only by touch, sounds and scents.
Michaela Manton, Czech Department