Page 17 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 17

EFFECT OF COVID-19 ON                                       A lot has been discussed on the impact COVID-19
                                                               has  had  on  the  economy,  social  classes,  and  the
                                                               environment.  But  teachers  are  more  concerned
                                                               about  the  impact  it  is  having  on  the  education
   Shyam Shriwal, XII D
    Coronavirus  pandemic  has  significantly  disrupted       system. It is well known that investment in the
    various  sectors  in  India  including  oil  and  gas,     education  system  has  a  very  high  incubation
    automobiles,  aviation,  agriculture,  retail,  etc.  We   period.  As  a  result,  the  current  impacts  of  the
    can't  ignore  that  hardly  a  sector  would  remain      pandemic  on  the  education  system  would  also
    unaffected by the crisis. The impact may be more or        have a high incubation period, making them difficult
    less. Same is with the education sector in India. Let      to measure in the long-term.
    us find out the impact of coronavirus on education in      While  predictions  are  wide-ranging,  most  suggest
    India.                                                     that our current economic downturn, plus the
                                                               extraordinary     costs    for   health    care    and
                                                               unemployment, could produce a reduction in state
                                                               education  revenue  of  at  least  10%  this  year  and
                                                               20%  or  more  in  2020–21.  It  is  difficult  to
                                                               estimate the length of any recession, but it is hard
                                                               to  believe  that  our  current  economic  situation  will
                                                               turn  around  overnight—like  flipping  off  a  light
                                                               switch. If these projections are correct, the resulting
                                                               hit to education spending would be two and a half
                                                               times  worse  than  the  lowest  point  of  the  last

   Sometime in the second week of March, state
   governments  across  the  country  began  shutting
   down  schools  and  colleges  temporarily  as  a
   measure  to  contain  the  spread  of  the  novel
   coronavirus. It’s about three months now and there
   is  no  certainty  when  they  will  reopen.  This  is  a
   crucial  time  for  the  education  sector—board
   examinations,  nursery  school  admissions,  entrance       “Students from all walks of life have now resorted
   tests  of  various  universities  and  competitive          to online learning due to the fear of Covid-19 and
   examinations, among others, are all held during this        avoiding  travelling  to  offline  tuition/coaching
   period.  As  the  days  pass  by  with  no  immediate       centres,” said Vamsi Krishna, CEO & Co-founder of
   solution to stop the outbreak of Covid-19, school and       Vedantu,  which  is  joining  hands  with  schools  to
   university  closures  will  not  only  have  a  short-term  help  provide  uninterrupted  classes.  The  company
   impact  on  the  continuity  of  learning  for  more  than  has  seen  a  10x  growth  in  the  number  of  users
   285  million  young  learners  in  India  but  also         signing up ever since the outbreak. The spike has
   engender far-reaching economic and societal                 been witnessed across all school grades, with the
   consequences.                                               highest spike seen for JEE, NEET courses.
   While  the  schools  and  various  other  educational
   institutions  are  being  shut  in  times  of  pandemic,
   many online teaching platforms and applications like
   Google  meet,  zoom  app  etc.  are  doing  brisk
   business  and  are  earning  good  lots  in  times  of
   pandemic due to large dependency of many  schools
   and other institutions on such platforms.
   For the closure,the education industry despite being
   hit  hard  by  the  pandsemic,continues  to  push  it’s
   boundaries and both the teachers and students are
   working hard like never before to face the difficulty
   they never envisaged.
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