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On growth path again:                                       On  one  hand  they  will  have  to  struggle  for  basic
                                                               amenities  like  food  and  shelter  on  the  other  they
   Fighting Poverty in
                                                               will  have  to  find  a  way  to  keep  themselves  safe
   Covid Times                                                 from this pandemic. With strain on health and basic
                                                               infrastructure  already,  the  people  below  poverty
   Yuval Goel, XII D
                                                               line will find it hard to survive in these conditions.
    Poverty is the condition where the person is devoid        Migrant labors will have no other option but to
    of  even  the  basic  necessities  of  life  and  finds  it  return  to  their  native  place,  where  there  is
    extremely difficult to sustain himself.  It can lead to    scarcity of work and employment opportunities.
    other  problems  like  illiteracy  ,  unemployment,        Firms  with  large  scale  employment  of  labor  are
    malnutrition, etc. According to the Nobel prize winner     already  laying  off  staff  due  to  operational  issues.
    South African leader, Nelson Mandela – “Poverty is         Even  the  large  firms  are  facing  the  heat.  The
    not natural, it is manmade”. The above statement           cumulative  effect  of  this  is  surely  going  to  impact
    is  absolutely  true  as  the  causes  of  poverty  are    the  overall  economic  growth  of  the  country.  This
    generally  man-made.  There  are  various  causes  of      will further increase poverty in the country.
    poverty  but  one  of  the  most  important  reasons  is   While  Government  has  announced  an  economic
    Population. Rising population puts burden on the           package  of  Rs.  20  lakh  crores,  the  trickle-down
    resources and hampers economic growth.India is             effect of the same will take some time. There have
    one  of  the  fastest-growing  economies  but  2/3rd  of   been      sporadic      efforts     from     different
    people in India still live in poverty. In the recent past  organizations,       corporate       houses        and
    Government has initiated many programs to defeat           individuals to help poor and migrant labors but
    Poverty,  however,  the  situation  is  still  not  under  for  a  country  with  sizeable  population  like  India,
    control.   Secondly,     the    poverty      alleviation   these efforts alone are not sufficient.
    programs are long-term programs, it takes years            Government will have to act proactively here. The
    for these programs to impact Poverty. While on one         poor  must  be  protected  at  any  cost  as  they
    hand the efforts are being made by the Government          form  the  backbone  of  our  economy.  Society
    to  counter  the  problem  of  poverty,  The  Covid-19     help groups and welfare organizations will have
    pandemic  has  put  new  challenges  in  front  of  the    to join their effort and support the government
    Government. Let us understand how Covid-19 has             at  each  stage.  We  cannot  expect  Government  to
    impacted the poor in an economy like India.                do  everything,  we  will  have  to  come  together  to
    The  coronavirus  (COVID-19)  Pandemic  is  a  crisis      counter  the  challenge  of  Covid-19  and  help  set
    like  no  other.  The  world  has  not  faced  such        economy on the right path.
    challenging times in the recent past. It has impacted
    not  only  developing  but  the  most  developed
    economies alike. The impact of Covid-19 is not only
    economic but social as well.
    To  counter  Covid-19,  most  of  the  nations  have
    adopted social distancing and lockdown of cities and
    businesses.  Idea  is  to  break  the  chain  and  avoid
    virus infection to spread. While this is integral to stop
    the infection, it has resulted in standstill for economic
    and social activities. Due to the lockdown there is
    wide-spread unemployment all over the world and
    especially  in  developing  countries  like  India.  From
    migrant  labors  to  daily-wage  earners  and  from
    factory  workers  to  small  business  enterprises,
    everybody is affected.
    As    per   United     Nations    International   Labor
    Organization (ILO) recent report over 400 million
    workers from India’s informal sector are likely to
    be pushed deeper into poverty due to Covid-19.
    Due to large scale unemployment and opportunities
    to earn daily wages, the lower class will be most
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