Page 13 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 13

Internationalization  will  become  less  viable  as
   Impact of COVID-19 on
                                                               companies  reconsider  the  regions  in  which  they
   Construction & Building                                     want to operate and countries put more restrictions
                                                               on foreign companies. When the skilled people like
                                                               carpenters, welders, plumbers, electricians etc.
   Dhvani Harjai, XII C
                                                               demand  higher  wages  to  the  tune  of  20-25  per
    The  overall  impact  of  coronavirus  or  COVID-19  on    cent,  general  unskilled  and  semi-skilled  labour
    the construction sector of India has been estimated        could demand a 10-15 per cent increase.
    at Rs 30,000 crore per day, an analysis by KPMG            Finally,  many  governments  are  offering  aid  to
    revealed.  The  pandemic  is  also  likely  to  reduce     persons and businesses negatively affected by the
    investment  in  construction  revealed  prospects          COVID-19 pandemic. So even if a contractor may
    by  13  to  30%  which  is  likely  to  impact  the  gross  have  no  contractual  or  legal  entitlement  to
    value  added  and  employment.  Construction  sector       compensate  for  prolongation  costs  due  to  work
                                                               being  significantly  delayed  or  impaired,  state  aid
    which  was  already  reeling  with  multiple  challenges   may  be  available  to  defray  some  of  the  ongoing
    from  lack  of  capital  and  credit  avenues  to          costs  incurred,  or  otherwise  provide  a  financial
    insolvencies,  multiple  frauds  and  regulatory  burden   help. Employers may also be entitled to the benefit
    is now marred by COVID-19 pandemic, with no likely         of these state aid measures.
    relief in sight.
    Although  the  activities  are  started  on  a  slow  pace

    after lockdown but the work is expected to halt soon
    given  various  factors  including  supply  chains
    disruption,  shortage  of  sub-contractors  and
    materials  and  the  termination  of  contracts  to
    control  expenses.  Entities  in  subsectors  like
    individuals,  retail  companies  and  small  businesses,
    are facing significant short term stress and with little
    choice  but  to  conserve  cash,  many  of  these  have
    already  stopped  projects.  There  is  a  potential  long
    term  impact  also.  Longer  term  construction
    companies  across  the  board  will  have  to  contend
    with decreased demand as governments face rising
    deficits and residential and commercial projects are

    dampened by unemployment and low GDP growth.
    More than 30% construction workers are staying
    away from work sites due to fear over corona virus
    infection  and  many  of  them  may  have  returned  to
    their  villages  or  are  planning  to  do  so.  Contractors
    are also not keen on pushing them either. Although
    some  companies  may  be  able  to  execute  on  the
    backlog  of  projects,  the  pipeline  is  expected  to  be
    weak for foreseeable future. Construction companies
    with high level of debts and low cash reserves may
    face a liquidity crisis. As smaller businesses, sub
    contractors  may  fail  rapidly.  Contract  management
    will  come  into  sharp  focus,  as  customers  seek  to
    terminate  or  renegotiate  contracts.  There  would  be
    an  additional  interest  cost  on  the  working  capital
    loans taken, which will be borne by the contractors
    depending upon the risk sharing mechanism.
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