Page 14 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 14

Impact of COVID-19 on                                    Impact of COVID-19 on
   Health Sector                                            Tourism & Hospitality

   Saksham Muradia, XII C                                                       R a j n e e s h   M a g o o , X I I   D
    In  the  current  situation  of  pandemic,  the  health  The impact of the pandemic on tourism is about 50
    sector workers, doctors, paramedics, nurses,             per cent during January and February 2020, while it
    hospital  staff,  pharmaceutical  employees,  are        may  be  higher  at  70  per  cent  in  March
    working  on  the  frontline  to  contain  the  situation  alone,following  the  suspension  of  international
    and  to  find  solutions  against  it.  Yet,  the  most  flights.
    active  sector  is  facing  a  slowdown  like  every     During  April-June,  the  Indian  tourism  industry  is
    other economic sector.                                   expected  to  book  a  revenue  loss  of  Rs  69,400
    The health sector is highly capital intensive and        crore,  denoting  a  year-on-year  (y-o-y)  loss  of  30
    is  in  the  distress  of  liquidity  often,  even  pre-  per  cent.  “During  H2  2020,  assuming  the  virus
    pandemic  as  well.  Today,  the  hospitals  are  not    impact  subsides,  we  expect  FTAs  to  still  be  lower
    only  the  sites  of  war  being  fought,  but  also     affecting the FEEs (foreign exchange earnings) by
    possess  threat  of  transmitting  the  virus.  Due  to  about  50  per  cent  to  reach  Rs  56,150  crore  vis-à-
    this, the footfall in OPDs and elective surgeries        vis  Rs  112,300  crore  during  H2  2019,"  the

    have fallen giving a cash crunch. While there is         report said.
    an  urgent  need  of  money  to  invest  in  PPEs,
    ventilators  and  manpower  to  make  the  sector        The most visible and immediate impact of Covid-19
    robust and ready to fight this.                          is  seen  in  the  hotel  and  tourism  sector  in  all  its
    The problems are not only faced by the hospitals.        geographical  segments  -  inbound,  outbound  and
    The  medical  devices  industry  is  also  facing  a     domestic  and  almost  all  verticals  -  leisure,
    lump. Although, the demand is there, the supply          adventure,  heritage,  MICE  (Meetings,  Incentives,
    chain  has  been  broken  due  to  trade  conflicts      Conferences  &  Exhibitions),  cruise  and
    with  China.  Talking  about  the  biggest  revenue      corporate.
    generator of this sector, the pharmaceuticals have       Given  various  travel  restrictions  imposed  by  the
    become  our  only  hope  to  get  us  out  of  this      Indian  government  as  well  as  governments  across
    problem by developing a vaccine.                         the globe, forward bookings for various conferences
    This  has  made  them  diverting  all  the  resources    and  leisure  travel  bookings  to  foreign  destinations
    from other important, revenue generating projects        have already been cancelled. In India, most of the

    to this highly uncertain one.                            summer  holiday  bookings  (for  the  states  of
    This slow is going to be there for a longer period of    Kerala,  Rajasthan  and  Goa)  have  also  been
    time  as  the  purchasing  power  of  the  people        cancelled  (about  40-50  per  cent),  thereby
    have also been affected so they would want to            impacting domestic tourism.
    spend less on non-urgent ailments.                       The  impact  on  the  inbound  and  outbound
    Since it is very important to strengthen the health      passengers  is  expected  to  be  most  severe  in  the
    sector in this time, the government should               next couple of quarters. India’s total foreign tourist
    prioritise in mitigating the economic impacts on         arrivals (FTA) stood at 10.9 million and the foreign
    this  and  infuse  some  liquidity  temporarily  in      exchange  earnings  (FEE)  stood  at  Rs  210,971
    the system and give certain tax exemptions so            crore  during  2019,  with  Maharashtra,  Tamil  Nadu,
    that its functioning doesn’t come to a halt.
                                                             Uttar  Pradesh  and  Delhi  accounting  for  about  60
                                                             per cent of foreign tourist arrivals (FTAs). However,

                                                             now  with  travel  restrictions  in  India  for  over  80
                                                             countries  and  most  of  the  flights  of  major  airlines
     " T h e    I n d i a n    t o u r i s m    i n d u s t r y    i s    p r o j e c t e d    t o
     b o o k    a    r e v e n u e    l o s s    o f    R s    1 . 2 5    t r i l l i o n    i n
                                                             being  suspended,  along  with  the  lockdown  till
     c a l e n d a r    2 0 2 0    a s    a    f a l l    o u t    o f    t h e    s h u t d o w n    o f
                                                             March  31,  2020,  the  Indian  domestic  as  well  as
     h o t e l s    a n d    s u s p e n s i o n    i n    f l i g h t    o p e r a t i o n s    a f t e r
                                                             foreign  travel  and  tourism  industry  is  expected  to
     t h e    o n s e t    a n d    s p r e a d    o f    t h e       c o r o n a v i r u s  
     ( C o v i d - 1 9 )   p a n d e m i c .
                                                             witness a sharp negative impact in 2020.
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