Page 9 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 9

Due to the shut down, lot of people have now
    Impact of COVID-19 on                                        become unemployed. Even there is need for rapid

    Start-ups of India                                           technology upgradation which has added to the burden
                                                                 of small enterprises.
                                                                 At  least  65%  of  start-ups  are  facing  “significant
    Mannat, XII E
    “Start-ups are the result of young and creative minds and    negative impact” on funding due to COVID-19 crisis,
    India  is  full  of  start-ups  but  this  ongoing  pandemic  has  with most early-stage start-ups facing a major funding
    also led an impact on start-ups”.A start-up is a company     crunch. So start-up is facing a very tough time in this
    or  project  initiated  by  an  entrepreneur  to  seek       pandemic.
    effectively develop and validate a scalable business         Some  tech  services  and  start-up  industry  body  has
    model. Now more and more individuals are interested in       sought immediate relief from the government to ensure
    becoming  entrepreneurs  and  therefore  open  their  own    business  continuity  for  start-ups  amid  the  nationwide
    business.                                                    lockdown.
    In  India  there  are  more  1,300  start-ups  added  in     Nasscom had requested the government to support the
    2019,over 8,900 tech-start-ups in India now. Day-to-day,     technology  product  start-ups  with  a  slew  of  majors
    these new start-ups are increasing in India. At the end of   ranging from extension of tax payment deadline to
    2019,Novel Corona Virus has started spreading and it is      temporary  refund  of  GST  collected  as  loan.  The
    now moving freely in the world. To prevent the spread of     industry  body  has  also  requested  the  government
    COVID-19, only lockdown is the solution. So India as well    institutions  and  PSUs  to  be  encouraged  to  procure
    as  other  countries  imposed  lockdown.  In  India,  strict  make-in-India software products thereby helping these
    lockdown  was  imposed  for  65  days  which  had  a  great  start-ups meet at least 40% of the procurement need.
    impact on economy of India. All sectors are facing a hard    Even in the relief fund introduced by Finance Minister
    hit by this ongoing pandemic.                                Ms. Nirmala Sitaraman gave few funds to start-ups too
    India’s start-up sector is also not spared in this situation.  to sustain in this time of crisis.
    India’s  start-up  sector  is  bleeding  due  to  business   The situation is distressing but can be overcome by the
    disruptions caused by COVID-19 pandemic, with 9 in           measures  like  same  start-ups  are  facing  a  hard  time
    10  start-ups  registering  a  decline  in  revenues.  The   but soon it will overcome and bloom.
    worst  hit  segments  are  early  and  mid-stage  business.
    Around 60% of all B2C start-ups were facing closure
    because of two months nationwide lockdown that has so
    far kept businesses shut. In 2019 it is recorded that start-
    ups in India has generated 60,000 direct and 1.3-1.8 lakh
    indirect employment.
    2019  saw  setting  up  of  65,312  micro  enterprises  that
    created  5,22,496  jobs.  But  due  to  the  outbreak  of  this
    pandemic  small  enterprises  are  on  the  verge  of  closing
    down. Many start-ups have been forced to undertake
    severe  cost-cutting  measures,  such  as  laying  off
    staff,  slashing  salaries  and  ceasing  all  expansion
    plans and projects, in a bid to preserve cash and have a
    longer runway in an uncertain operating environment.
    According to Nasscom Survey, which showed that 70% of
    start-ups have less than three months of cash runway. It
    is  also  seen  that  40%  of  start-ups  have  either
    temporarily shut down operations or are on the verge
    of shutting down. According to the survey, around 60%
    of B2C start-ups face closure as revenues plummeted to
    near-zero levels after businesses were forced to remain
    shut during the nationwide lockdown aimed at curbing the
    spread of the virus.
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