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Government  approvals  necessary  to  undertake
                                                                 certain  category  of  transactions  in  the  pharma
                                                                 sector  are  held  up  due  to  lock  down  related
                                                                 restrictions for some time and hence new foreign
                                                                 direct  investments  and  collaborations  are
                                                                 getting delayed. Also, poor cash flow is troubling
                                                                 the industry.
     Khushboo Arya, XII E
                                                                 There are cash flow issues owing to reduction
     “At present , the Indian pharmaceutical industry            in  sale,delay  in  realisation  from  domestic  and
     is  the  world’s  third  largest  drug  producer  by        export sale, and constraints in operating business
     volume       and      the      country’s      market        in the present lockdown.
     manufactures 60 percent of vaccines globally.               Pharmaceutical  industry  highlighted  that  they  will
     This constitutes 40 to 70 percent of supply to              be able to get back to 100 percent manufacturing
     satisfy the World Health Organization’s (WHO)               capacities only if states and Centre assist them to
     demand.  As  countries  and  companies  alike               get  back  labourers,  help  in  smooth  logistics  for
     continue  to  grapple  with  the  unprecedented             supply  of  raw  materials  and  finished  goods.
     challenges  thrown  up  by  the  novel  coronavirus         Industry shared that some states are yet to allow
     (COVID-19), a specific area of concern has been             them to move back workers to the factories.

     the  uncertainty  surrounding  the  impact  of  the         The  COVID  19  outbreak  has  also  presented
     COVID-19  pandemic  on  the  global  as  well  as           Indian      pharmaceutical        companies        an
     Indian  pharma  industry  supply  chains.  The              opportunity  to  become  a  preferred  alternate
     concerns  have  been  aggravated  by  the  fact  that       hub for manufacturing APIs and intermediates.
     COVID-19 struck first, and worst, in China, which           The  Indian  government  recently  undertook
     is  the  world’s  leading  producer  and  exporter  of      applaudable  steps  ,  basically  to  reduce  the
     Active  Pharmaceutical  Ingredients  (API)  by              dependency  of  the  pharmaceutical  industry  as  a
     volume.  Indian  manufacturers  rely  heavily  on           whole  on  the  heavily  impacted  Chinese  market  ,
     APIs  from  China  for  the  production  of  their          by  proposing  an  incentive  package  of  3,000
     medicine  formulations,  procuring  around  70              Crores  for  the  promotion  of  domestic
     percent  from  China,  the  supplies  were  disrupted       manufacturing       of    critical   key     starting
     for  several  weeks  due  to  the  situation  as  it        materials,  drug  intermediates,  APIs  and
     witnessed  a  lockdown  of  over  two  months  from         medical devices.
     January  2020  to  March  2020,  while  it  battled         Having  said  that,  both  the  government  and  the
     COVID-19.                                                   industry  are  confident  that  soon  pharmaceutical
     Some other issues being that the pharmaceutical             industry  will  be  able  to  get  back  to  100  percent
     companies  are  facing  is  the  shortage  of               capacity  utilisation,  as  both  are  working  towards
     manpower due to the lockdown. Despite it being              easing the existing constraints.

     an essential service, the lack of transport options
     led to shortage of labour. disruption in movement
     of trucks has also led to finished goods not being
     moved.  All  of  these  have  led  to  drop  in
     production  as  well  as  increased  cost  of
     production.  Not  just  the  production,  even
     research  and  development  exercises  are
     getting  impacted  due  to  the  ongoing  lockdown.
     Strategic  acquisitions  and  transactions  which
     could have enabled technology transfer, increased
     R&D  and  increased  supply  of  essential  medicine
     have all come to a grinding halt as investors and
     collaborators  are  re-  looking  into  expected
     commercial return.
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