Page 5 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 5


                    S o n a l i   N a g p a l ,   X I I   D
     The sectoral impact can be
     seen as follows-
     RAILWAYS    Railways

     Current: Loss of revenue due to both
     freight and passenger fare.
     Subsidised services during the lockdown period has further resulted in losses for the Indian

     Future: Sanitization and complete disinfection every time is going to be a very difficult task
     for  one  of  the  largest  rail  networks.  Also,  with  restrictions,  people  movement  will  be  less
     which will put strain on financial resources for Railways further.
     BUSES(INTER/INTRA STATE) Buses (Inter-State/Intra State)

     Current:  There  has  been  complete  shutdown  of  these  services  in  most  of  the  states,
     resulting in complete loss of revenue.
     Future:  With  States  not  in  sync  pertaining  to  lockdown  guidelines,  inter-state  services  will

     take time to get to normal. Also, with restriction on number of passengers, intra state travel
     will  be  affected  to  a  great  degree.  All  of  this  will  put  pressure  on  revenues  for  state
     METRO Metro Services

     Current: Complete lockdown for metro and during the lockdown.
     Future: Bleak, with no immediate relief for services like Metro. Most of the states will allow

     only essential services or restricted passenger. Metro services are already finding it hard to
     sustain, with further revenue pressure, they are in for tough times in the future
     Current: Restricted movement and passengers

     Future: The situation is not going to change much for these services. While they have been
     asked  to  follow  all  the  precaution  in  terms  of  hygiene,  sanitization  and  social  distancing.
     How  far  they  will  be  able  to  achieve  the  same  is  to  be  seen.  Moreover,  with  a  smaller

     number of passengers for each trip, the revenue will have negative impact

                                                                              S u r f a c e    t r a n s p o r t a t i o n
                                                                              i s   t h e   b a c k b o n e   o f   a n y

                                                                              e c o n o m y     a n d      a l s o
                                                                              w o r k s    a s    t h e    n e r v e
                                                                              c e n t r e .   I t   c o n n e c t s   t h e
                                                                              e n t i r e    c o u n t r y    a n d

                                                                              a l s o                e n a b l e s
                                                                              m o v e m e n t    o f    g o o d s
                                                                              a n d    p e o p l e .    I f    t h i s
                                                                              s e c t o r    i s    i m p a c t e d ,

                                                                              e c o n o m y   w i l l   c r u m b l e .
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