Page 2 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 2

The Coronavirus Editorial:-
                                                                 With  a  decline  in  income-elastic  employment  in
   Economic Impact
                                                                 manufacturing/industrial and services sectors and
                                                                 thus greater outflow of migrant labour, it results in
   Shirish, XII
                                                                 reversal    of  historical   trends    of  structural
    The  emergence  of  the  pandemic  and  the  ensuing
    national  lockdown  from  March  24,  2020  has,             transformation with more labour being engaged in
    through  its  varying  extensions  and  forms,  brought      subsistence  agricultural  and  related  activities  in
    about  an  external  shock  to  the  Indian  economy,        the rural sector, as indicated with an increase in
    worsening  the  rate  of  demand-side  deceleration          monthly  agricultural  expenditure  along  with  a
    already  prevailing  in  the  market  into  a  recessional   corresponding increase in budgetary allocations to
    contraction  in  real  annual  GDP  indicators,  with        MNRGERA.  This  however  may  facilitate  the
    foreign or export-oriented businesses in sectors             formation      of   an    ex-post     low     income
    like tourism, services, EOU manufacturing, etc.              equilibrium, driven down by a vicious cycle of
    being the first and most severely impacted.                  low  savings  resulting  in  low  investment
    It seems that the lockdown carries no silver linings,        causing lower demand.
    as disruption in supply and logistical chains is             Thus,  the  absence  of  knowledge  as  factor  of
    not only causing an increase in per unit cost of             production  due  to  labour  unavailability  forcing

    operations  at  the  time  of  stressed  balance             force  majeure  collapse  of  supply,  skyrocketing
    sheets  but  also  introducing  lapses  in  retail  or       unemployment levels, declining sources of income
    consumer-facing functions of firms, especially in            causing  increased  consumer  expenditure  on
    essential  goods  and  services.  Moreover,  a               demand  inelastic  goods  from  dwindling  savings,
    contraction  in  supply,  now  compiled  with  deficient     technological    obsolescence      and    lapses    in
    demand  and  an  executive  ordinance  ordering              digitalisation and monetary measures focusing on
    halting  of  operations,  has  resulted  in  an  extensive   liquidity despite a high fiscal deficit and increasing
    decline  in  both  disposable  incomes  and                  CPI inflation are simply some of the reasons as to
    employment levels due to mass furloughs , with               why  India  registered  the  worst  Manufacturing
    most  workers  relying  on  minimal  savings  or             Purchasing  Managers  Index  (PMI)  rating  of
    dissavings to meet autonomous expenses.                      27.5  in  15  years,  with  a  rating  below  50
                                                                 indicating contraction.

    Despite the deployment of Keynesian governmental
    measures  in  the  fiscal  and  monetary  policies,
    especially  the  20,000  crores  Rupees  Atmanirbhar
    Bharat  campaign,  the  informalization  of  the  Indian
    economy in both its dependence on smaller private
    MSMEs  and  its  associated  unprotected  workforce
    prevents such measures from having actual
    grassroots effects for the most part, as the normal          While  the  restrictions  placed  may  be  pursuant  of
    transmission  mechanism  of  commercial  banks               protection  of  public  interest,  the  status  quo  of
    and  financial  institutions  is  broken,  due  to           underutilization  of  Indian  human  resource  is

    decapitalization  and  poor  risk  management.  As           unsustainable  if  normal  business  activity  is  to  be
    for  the  informal  workforce,  without  any  social         restored,  in  whose  end  both  private  and  public
    security,  rights  to  unionization  or  minimum  wages,     enterprises  must  endeavour  to  adapt  to  the
    94 per cent of the labour force is susceptible to            transient difficulties.
    unfair layoffs without governmental coverage.
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