Page 6 - newsletter 14 aug
P. 6



                                                                                 S h r i y a   M e h r a ,   X I I   D

                                                     One  of  the  most  affected  industries  due  to  Covid-
                                                     19 is Media and Entertainment. With lockdown and
                                                     social  distancing  norms  in  play,  the  industry
                                                     which      also     includes       large     scale     events,

                                                     productions,  conferences  and  audience  connect,
                                                     is feeling most of the heat.
                                                     As  per  The  Events  and  Experiential  Management
                                                     Association  (EEMA)  survey  50%  of  the  media

                                                     companies  have  lost  90%  of  their  business  since
                                                     March  2020.  Over  63%  of  the  companies  have
                                                     suffered  a  revenue  loss  of  up  to  Rs.  1  crore.  This
                                                     is also seconded by Credit Rating Agency CRISIL.

                                                     In  its  report  CRISIL  has  outlined  that  Indian  M&E
                                                     sector  in  the  current  financial  year  is  expected  to
                                                     decline by 16%.
                                                     Not     only     events      and     large     entertainment

                                                     extravaganza even the advertisement revenues are
                                                     under      extreme      pressure.      The     advertisement
       Netflix reached a whopping 15.8               revenue  which  accounted  for  45%  revenue  pre-
      million paid subscribers in the first          COVID,  has  already  registered  a  sharp  18%

        three months of 2020 amid the                decline.
       coronavirus pandemic which has                While  on  one  hand  the  production  work,  events
      forced people to stay at home. The             and  advertising  campaigns  are  stalled,    the

         California-based company had                consumption  of  content  through  digital  and  OTT
     expected 7.2 million subscribers but            means  have  increased  significantly.  The  audience

    witnessed a more than double rise in             is  home-bound,  the  internet  connectivity  has
                 paid subscribers.                   penetrated  deep  and  this  has  resulted  in
                                                     subscriber  base  for  OTT  increasing  to  record


                                                                                         W i t h   t h e
                                                                                   p o s t p o n e m e n t   o f
                                                                                     I n d i a n   P r e m i e r
                                                                                   L e a g u e ,   o n e   o f   t h e
                                                                                  c o s t l i e s t   l e a g u e s   i n
                                                                                  t h e   w o r l d ,   O l y m p i c s
                                                                                   a n d   w i t h   q u e s t i o n
                                                                                m a r k s   o n   s e v e r a l   o t h e r
                                                                                        s p o r t s   a n d
                                                                                e n t e r t a i n m e n t   e v e n t s ,
                                                                                  t h e   s e c t o r   i s   r e e l i n g
                                                                                  u n d e r   a c u t e   s t r e s s .
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