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Ravenshead Newsletter 03/2022 - 43
Foundation/ KS1
This term, Key Stage 1 and Foundation have been up to interesting activities. Both of them have
been looking for some birds in the sky such as Crows and Robins and have been making a tally on
how many species of birds they have seen. Foundation 2 have made models of dragons celebrating
Chinese New Year and enjoyed learning all about it. They also got to eat some yummy Chinese food.
They have also been Welly Wanging to see how far they can throw a Welly. Key Stage 1 have been
learning about the Winter Olympics.
Y3/4 Y5/6
Year 3 and 4 have had an exciting half term. The Year 6 buddies are back! A range of excit-
Year 4 have planted surprising seeds and pecu- ing activities and clubs are being held in Abbey
liar plants grew from their pots. Soon, Year 4 Gates. Giving younger children the chance to
are going to church—that is sure to be fun. play other sports and games. Some are invasion
Year 3 are learning to play the Glockenspiel. games and others are fun games such as Foot-
Next half term they are going to the Yorkshire ball for Y2/Y4, Dance for Y4, Badminton for
Sculpture Park. There’ s lots happening. Y3, and Girls football for Y4.
Year 5, have been exploring the learning pit,
which is a good way to develop a child’s
knowledge for Maths. If you struggle a bit in
Maths then you enter the pit but if you do bet-
ter you progress higher in levels. They’ve also
been learning about South American Countries
Maybe the most exciting of all, next half term and Capital Cities.
Year 3 and 4 are performing the ‘Bee Musical’.
We can’t wait to see how they do!
Take 5
The children of Abbey Gates have been in-
troduced to Take 5 - a skill that helps chil- Road Safety winners
dren stay calm and control their emotions to We held an exciting competition to design
maintain their calmness. This will be fully the best road safety posters and were
launched after the February half-term holi- over the moon about the amazing and im-
day. aginative entries that the pupils had
worked hard to create. Everyone did bril-
liantly, but some stood out to us. Well
NSPCC Number Day done and congratulations to everyone! Be-
On 04.02.22 , the whole school celebrated NSPCC low are the winning designs from Key
Number Day, taking part in lots of activities linked Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.
to numbers and the NSPCC. Children came to
school wearing clothes with numbers and a fun
mathematical and meaningful day was had by all.
The children shared a really broad range of jobs
that we need maths for and this really gives them
a purpose for learning.
Together, Abbey Gates raised
£284 to donated to the NSPCC.
Thank you.