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Ravenshead Newsletter  03/2022 -   45

    Lawrence to represent England in the desert

    Lawrence Burton, a 16 year old lifelong Ravenshead resident,   Although indoor cricket is
    has been chosen to play cricket for England in Dubai.  supported by the England and
                                     The year 11 student   Wales Cricket Board (ECB) this
                                     at Joseph Whitaker   does not include any funding.
                                     School has been    This means all players are responsible for covering the costs
                                     playing cricket since   of participating.
                                     the age of 4 when   Like the outdoor game it is all about scoring more runs than
                                     attending local    the opposition.  It is played on a court surrounded by a high
                                     clubs with his older   tension net with a semi-hard ball and catches can be taken
                                     brother and has    off the net.  There are 8 players on each team, batting in
                                     previously         pairs on a standard wicket length of 22 yards.  It is a very
                                     represented        fast paced exciting game and the ball is always in play.
                                     Nottinghamshire    The game is very popular in the likes of Australia, New
                                     around the country   Zealand, South Africa and the Indian subcontinent.  The
                                     in county age group   majority of professional cricketers from the Southern
                                     teams.  He         Hemisphere grew up playing indoor cricket.  Commentators
                                     currently plays his   at the recent Australia v England Ashes series spoke about the
                                     club cricket at    indoor game and how it has helped to develop their star
                                     Kirkby Portland CC,   players.
                                     where the famous
                                     Harold Larwood     He is currently making many trips to Birmingham for
                                                        training.  The under 16 team is also practising hard by
                                     played and whose
                                                        competing in the men's national league against some very
                                     statue stands in the   tough teams.
    middle of Kirkby.  Lawrence plays as an opening batsman
    and leg-spin bowler for their Saturday and Sunday teams.  Lawrence, his teammates
                                                        and the older England
    Over the last few winters, Covid allowing, Lawrence has   teams will stay in the
    played indoor cricket to help keep his batting, bowling and   same hotel as the other
    fielding skills sharp in readiness for the summer season.  He   competing nations.  It is
    was asked by the governing body's Development Officer to
    join the England training squad sessions in Birmingham.  A   likely to greatly add to
    two-year training programme had been set up in readiness   the personal development
    for the 2021 World Cup in Australia.  This was due to be   of the younger lads.
    held in August last year but had to be cancelled due to Covid.  This is an exciting
                                                        opportunity for
    As the world, hopefully, returns to some normality, a
                                                        Lawrence and being
    fantastic opportunity has now arisen with a tri-series
                                                        chosen to represent his
    involving South Africa, England and the United Arab   country in any sport is a
    Emirates.  This will take place in late March in Dubai.  After a   great honour.  The
    series of trials, Lawrence was chosen to represent the England   matches are due to be
    under 16 team.  He is the only player from Nottinghamshire   screened live on You
    in the squad of 12 players.
                                                                                               Colin Burton

                                         Village Fairs

                                       Following the disappointment of the
                                       cancellation of the January fair due to
                                       covid restrictions, it was with high
                                       expectation but tempered with
                                       trepidation that Village Fairs organiser
                                       Tony Hardy planned the February fair.
                                       He needn't have worried.
                                       Excellent support from stallholders and
                                       strong visitor numbers ensured a
                                       successful day for what is believed to
                                       be, despite the long history of
                                       Ravenshead, the first antique fair held
                                       in the village.
                                       Next stop Lowdham Village Hall March
                                       20th but look out for future events at
                                       the Ravenshead Village Hall in the
                                       Ravenshead Newsletter.

                                                            Peter Herbert
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