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46 - Ravenshead Newsletter - 03/2022
Ravenshead Youth Theatre Group - looking for new members
After a few months of rehearsals, members of the Ravenshead Youth Theatre Group performed their roles in the Ravenshead
Theatre Group’s pantomime ‘Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood’. Pictured from top left to bottom right is: 1) the opening
dawn sequence set to atmospheric music with Elizabeth Terry, Coragh O’Donnell, Sophie Adamson and Amber Bacon showing
off their colourful costumes; 2) Philippa Adamson and Amber Bacon acting as outlaws; 3) Jacques Hurst, Matthew Rhodes,
Coragh O’Donnell, James Terry, Sophie Adamson, Amber Bacon and Elizabeth Terry in the school room after their energetic
performance in the ‘Schools out for Summer’ rock scene; 4) Amber Bacon, Sophie Adamson, Elizabeth Terry and Matthew
Rhodes as outlaws; 5) Coragh O’Donnell, Amber Bacon, Lucy Johnson, James Terry, Jacques Hurst, and Elizabeth Terry as
Marion (Lucy Johnson) and outlaws; 6) Sophie Adamson performing a dance sequence; and 7) Jessica Street playing one of the
Now that we have finished performing in the pantomime we are preparing for the NANDA annual Youth Theatre competition in
the county...something we have won on a number of occasions!! The NANDA competition takes place on the 7 May 2022 and
we join Youth Theatre groups from around the county with each group performing a short one act play in front of an audience
and a NANDA adjudicator who scores the performance. We stay for the whole day and it’s a fab experience watching all the
plays and getting to know other groups. We are starting to work on a unique piece set in a dystopian future with several
important themes such as global warming.
If you are aged between 10 and 16 we would love to hear from you. You can contact our leader, Amanda Buckley, by email:, by telephone on 07961 640 213, or simply by coming to see us at The Centre on Tuesdays at 7.30pm,
please just let us know in advance. Don't be afraid, we will meet you at the door beforehand and welcome you in to save you
entering a room full of strangers on your own. See you then!
RTG Publicity