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44 - Ravenshead Newsletter  - 03/2022

                        NEWS FROM RAVENSHEAD WI

    This is our first item for the newsletter in 2022 and it's   evening raising a festive glass to all.  Goody bags were
    March already!!                                     distributed in time for Christmas by the committee, to all
    Since our last report of the Ravenshead WI activities we have   our members.
    enjoyed a Rummikub meeting in November when several   Our January meeting was also on Zoom when our speaker
    other Nottinghamshire members joined us to teach us the   gave us a fascinating and amusing talk on her adventures
    rules and tactics of the game, which was thoroughly enjoyed   from several years living and teaching English in Thailand
    by all.  Members also brought along donations for the Great   and surviving the Andaman Tsunami.  We are returning to
    Nottinghamshire Toy Appeal which were then distributed for   the Centre at St. Peters from February and will hold our AGM
    Christmas.                                          there in March.
    Unfortunately, we had to cancel our Christmas party   We have continued our short monthly walks visiting the
    meeting in December, due to the spread of Omicron; however,   Linby Trail and Brooke Farm tea room in December, Vicar
    we held a virtual party on Zoom when members dressed in   Water in January and Rufford Abbey in February, followed
    something festive and joined in quizzes, listened to   by a very welcome hot drink afterwards.
    humorous readings and 'sang' carols.  We finished the

              Donations for the Notts Toy Appeal                   A short stroll around Rufford Park

                                   A cold but fun walk around Vicar Water, Clipstone
    We extend a very warm welcome to several new members   to which we encourage everyone to contribute.  These are:
    who have joined us over the past few months and if any   plastic milk bottle tops to Kathy, for the John Eastwood
    lady, of any age, is interested in joining us please contact:  Hospice, empty medication blister packs, please take these to
    Brenda 01623 796103 / 07808 809 095                 the pharmacy in Superdrug in Mansfield or Sutton and
                                                        wearable footwear for ShoeAid to Brenda,12 Woodend Drive.
    Janet 01623 794687 / 07973 412 101
                                                        Pens, felt tips, markers and correction fluid pots; and various
    We meet at the Centre at 7.45pm on the third Wednesday in   other items which are too numerous to mention here, to
    the month.                                          Janice, 33 Vernon Crescent.
    On-going are the collections of items for re-cycling/re-using                    Brenda Sibley – President
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