Page 30 - In His Image
P. 30

disciples. You are about to be used in an eternal way!

                When we talk about making disciples, we are talking about a process. It is not a
                task which is quickly completed. By definition, a process is "a set of actions or
                changes in a special order." A "set" suggests a number of things (many) belonging
                together. "In a special order" suggests an orderly, defined and thought out
                sequence. So in other words, many things which must take place in a particular
                sequence. Disciple making is NOT random, nor one dimensional. To be successful, it
                requires a plan with definable and measurable steps. A building block approach
                must be taken, with basics coming before more advanced steps. Fundamentals must
                be mastered before going on to the more advanced. The disciple must master
                crawling before learning to walk and walking before he can run. Profound? No, not
                at all, but these principles and concepts must be adhered to if there is to be
                "fruit" created by the process. Remember, what is being created is an "image" or
                duplicate of the "Teacher." The "Teacher" is none other than Jesus Christ
                Himself. Attention to detail is important, as is the sequence of what is being
                presented to the disciple.

                Let me now present several objectives which must be understood by the disciple.
                Not only must they be understood, but the disciple must understand how to apply
                them in his/her walk (James 1:22). The sequence in which they are presented is also
                important, in that a "foundation" must first be laid to support the "structure"
                which is to be built upon it.

                Objective 1
                Assurance of Salvation - This may seem too basic, but all begins with salvation. Do

                not assume, KNOW that the would-be disciple is in fact saved. If he/she isn't,
                minister to them. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, how could
                they even attempt to follow in His footsteps? It is clear from scripture that God
                would have us know we are saved. There is no need to doubt and once this question
                has been settled, the process of change can begin.
                Biblical References: John 3:16-18, John 5:24, John 6:37, John 10:27-29

                Objective 2
                Scope and Significance of Salvation - The disciples begin to understand in
                greater detail the magnitude and depth of what took place when he invited Christ
                to be Lord and Savior. This produces a greater appreciation and deeper commit-

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