Page 32 - In His Image
P. 32

good "working" definition of fellowship in this context is a building up, encouraging
              and equipping of the members of the body of Christ by other members of the body
              of Christ." Proverbs 27:17 states it this way "As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens
              the countenance of his friend."
              Biblical Reference: 1 Corinthians 10:24, Hebrews 3:13

              Objective 7
              The Word - The disciple has a basic understanding of the importance of God's
              Word, its application in one’s life. He has demonstrated a degree of maturity which
              has prompted him to begin reading the bible on his own. He has a growing
              recognition that to stay healthy he must be nourished correctly, and that the
              nourishment he requires comes from the Word of God, for it is our food in the
              spiritual realm.
              Biblical Reference: 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Timothy 4:6

               Objective 8
               Prayer - The disciple has a growing understanding of the importance of prayer in
               his life and in the life of his family, ministry and the world at large. He has also

               demonstrated the desire and ability to begin praying on his own. We all realize in
               the natural that if we are to carry on a relationship with someone we must
               communicate with them. The same holds true if we are to carry on a relationship
               with Christ. We must talk to Him and hear back from Him. The disciple understands
               that prayer is not just talking to God, but allowing God the time to talk back to us.

               (I recall a time in prayer not too long ago when I heard the Lord say to me "how
               much can you truly say to Me, it was I Who spoke the heavens and the earth into
               existence..." What I believe the Lord was conveying was that it is not the quantity

               of what we say, but the quality. Is what we are speaking to Him truly from our

              Here are a few quotes about prayer from people who know what they're talking

                    Rosalind Rinker: "prayer is the expression of a human heart in conversation
                      with God. The more natural the prayer, the more real He becomes. It has
                      been simplified for me to this extent: prayer is a dialogue between two
                      persons who love one another."
                    Dick Eastman: "Prayer is to verbalize our total dependence on God concern-
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