Page 31 - Imprint-magazine june-Issue
P. 31
Cell and Gene Therapy
Ambr® 15 addresses major development bottlenecks, cut timelines and
deepens scientists’ knowledge of cultivations
Development teams Ambr® 15 offers high Scientists are using
are facing significant throughput experimen- Ambr® 15 to rapidly
new challenges, driven tation to address these establish protocols for
by innovations such as major development stable and transient cell
CAR-T cell therapy. In bottlenecks, cutting lines, select suitable
addition, novel, complex timelines and deepening clones, and optimize
processes must be rapid- scientists’ media and processes to
ly understood in order to knowledge of cultiva- facilitate scale up for
manufacture viral vec- tions including HEK293, implementation in new
tors and next generation stem cells and immune manufacturing facilities.
vaccines on time, and to derived cell lines.
the required
Media and Feed Optimization
Optimizing media and New mixing steps in the
feeds can deliver Ambr® software allow the
important improvements in creation of media blends in
cell growth and plates on the deck or
productivity. directly in the
The Ambr® 15 Cell Culture Media blends can be
Generation 2 system defined by volume or as
includes novel functions percentages. Automated
to streamline and simplify liquid handling saves time
media, supplement and and reduces the chance of
feed investigations. error.
JUNE-2021 31