Page 5 - May
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    Information technology at the Pipe

    Metallurgical Company (TMK)

            The Pipe Metallurgical Company (TMK) received about half a billion rubles of additional
    profit from the implementation of digital twins of rolling mills at the Volzhsky (VTZ) and Seversky
    (STZ) pipe plants. The economic effect was achieved by improving the quality of pipe products,
    producing pipes from new steel grades and reducing costs.
            A methodology for faster and more accurate tuning of the pipe rolling unit based on non-
    contact 3D measuring systems was introduced, which made it possible to achieve stable results
    in the production of high-precision pipes and obtain an economic effect of more than 120 million
    rubles. Also, with the help of digital twins, the company mastered the production of pipes from
    new steel grades and received more than 240 million rubles of additional profit.
                                                               "The introduction of digital technologies is one
                                                       of the key areas of TMK’s transformation, designed
                                                       to create a new production culture in the company.
                                                       IT solutions are implemented in all areas of business
                                                       -  from  administrative  tasks  and  interaction  with
                                                       customers to production planning and product quality
                                                       control. We are consistently increasing investments in
                                                       this area and are already getting impressive results.
                                                       Thus,  the  economic  effect  from  the  introduction  of
                                                       digital twins has already significantly exceeded the
                                                       investment in their development. At the moment, we
                                                       are  replicating  this  solution  to  other  enterprises  of
                                                       the company - Taganrog Metallurgical and Sinarsky
                                                       Pipe  Plants," said Vyacheslav Popkov,  First Deputy
                                                       General Director - Chief Engineer of TMK.
            The digital twin of the rolling mill created by TMK specialists has no analogues in the
    world. In 2020, the company’s team - employees of the Russian Scientific Research Institute
    of  the  Pipe  Industry  (RusNITI)  in  Chelyabinsk,  the  Scientific  and  Technical  Center  (STC)  of
    TMK in the Skolkovo innovation center, as well as VTZ and STZ - was awarded the Russian
    Government Prize in the field of science and technology for young scientists for the development
    and implementation of this technology.


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