Page 55 - Provet Cloud Description 11_2019_Neat
P. 55

Reminder rules

            Different reminders can be created by first creating a set of rules which when triggered create a reminder for
            the  user.  Reminders  can  be  set  to  be  sent  automatically.  The  reminder  rules  are  typically  connected  to  a
            treatment item (e.g. procedure, medicine). Other criteria that can be used include the species and age of the

            Rule                creation               for                automated                 reminders:

            Multiple rules for the same item can be set up so that the client receives multiple reminders. Certain medicine
            can for example trigger multiple rules and create multiple reminders for the patient. These reminders are then
            sent out according to the settings specified and templates used for them. They can be sent out at different
            dates and times and contain different text or even have a different sending method.

            If the patient comes in for the same vaccination after a first reminder, the remaining reminders are removed.
            This functionality is tied to adding the same treatment item which originally triggered the reminder rule on a
            new consultation for the patient.

            The  client  can  contact  the  clinic  and  ask  not  to  receive  reminders.  Client  communication  can  easily  be
            disabled from a client’s file. SMS and email communication can be disabled separately if the client only wants
            to stop email or SMS messages.

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