Page 6 - Cornice_Grade 5
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                                                              Title: Pollyanna
                                                              Author: Eleanor H. Porter
                                                              Illustrator: Neil Reed
                                                              Genre: Fiction
                                                              Age Range: 8-12
                                                              Setting: Harrington Mansion, Pendleton Area, and
                                                              Pollyanna’s Neighbourhood

                                                              Plot:      Miss Polly Harington lived in the Har-
                                                              rington Mansion on the top of a hill. One day, Miss
                                                              Polly got a letter informing her that her sister's hus-
                                                              band had passed away, so if she could, she had to take
                                                              in her niece but if not, she would be sent elsewhere.
                                                              Her sister had passed away a long time ago. As much
                                                              as Miss Polly did not want to be associated with her
                                                              nieces or other family members, she had a reputa-
                                                              tion. So, she  decided that she would be taking in her
                                                              niece. She had duties to do somewhere else, so she
                                                              had told Nancy, her maid, to pick up her niece from
                                                              the train station.

               Nancy told the gardener, Old Tom, about Miss Polly’s niece Pollyanna. Nancy was worried about how
        Pollyanna would be treated because Miss Polly was a miserable-looking woman. At the train station, when
        she was being picked up, Pollyanna thought that Nancy was Miss Polly, her aunt. But later, she found out who
        Nancy was, so she kept on chattering and asking questions throughout the ride. When they reached the man-
        sion, Nancy was told to clean the attic room and get it tidied up for Pollyanna.

               The windows were shut so no flies could come in but it was quite hot up there because of that. It
        would be that way until the screens were installed in her rooms. Though Pollyanna seemed like a normal girl,
        she had something that made everyone call her an ‘extraordinary child’. She played a game called the Glad
        Game. She was taken care of by the Ladies’ Aiders before her father's death. Before her father's death, the
        Ladies’ Aider sent them missionary boxes which came with a few things like worn dresses and all. Once she
        wanted a doll, but instead she got crutches. So, her father told her to make the best out of it. That is how she
        started playing the Glad Game. Throughout her stay at the mansion, she started getting  used to doing many
        things and going to many places became a part of her life. She had learned to sew, cook, play music and other
        things as well. She had gotten new dresses and garments. She was also running errands. Since it was getting a
        little too hot for Pollyanna in the attic, Aunt Polly decided to move Pollyanna to a proper room downstairs.

               She went to a place where a person named Mrs Snow lived. Nancy told her that Mrs Snow was quite
        a hard person to be around. She used to complain a lot about the things that she didn’t have or didn’t get.
        But Pollyanna’s incredible charm and explanation of the  Glad Game changed Mrs Snow’s attitude. She had
        stopped complaining about things she didn’t have and started being glad about the things she had.
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