Page 8 - Cornice_Grade 5
P. 8
Tittle : Wings of Fire (Escaping Peril)
Illustrator : None
Character : Peril , Clay , Scarlet ,
Turtle , Glory ,Sunny , Moon , Quibli .
Genre : Fiction
Pages : 288
This book was written because the author loved dragons
and to bring back the dragon kingdom .TUI.I.T sutherland is the
author of New york time .She has written the menagerie series,
Pet trouble series and the spirit animal series.The author takes
the book and adds so many twists and turn .
The theme of this book is loyalty or always be loyal to your
friends but you can follow your own path.The style of this book
is sweet and fantastic as this way you develop frenship.The main
character of this book is Peril.In this book a former dragon who
was born with the rarest thing to be born with fire scales.Any-
thing she touches turns into fire,because of this she has a hard
time making friends.The only friend she has is Clay. He has fire-
proof scales and he is very sweet and Peril has the biggest crush
on him.One day the Queen scarlet who got overthrown by her
daughter threw one of Clay's friend's head at him. Peril gets so
mad she decides she is going to kill her!
The book series isn't well known in the community but for
people who love dragons please read the book .This book rep-
resents things happening in real life like backstabbing etc.Oth-
er books like moon rising were better but this was great.Even
though it was great pictures and bigger print would have been
better .
- Samipya Niraula