Page 13 - Cornice_Grade 5
P. 13



                            Character Sketch of Wilbur

                   Wilbur is one of the main characters of “Charlotte’s

           Web”. He is a young spring pig. When Wilbur was born, he

           was a runt, so he was going to get killed by his owner, but a
           girl named Fern, the owner’s daughter saved him. Wilbur was

           sent to a barn to live in when he was 2 months old.

                   Wilbur is a loving pig who wants to help everyone in

           every way possible. He is lighthearted and playful but he is too

           naïve and friendly to understand the real purpose of his life.
           He talks a lot with other animals and is chatty. He is a foodie

           and is curious, and wants to know what is happening around

           him. He is very caring but he is very sensitive and emotional for
           a little pig. Wilbur is a lovable young pig living on a farm.

           - Aarna Saria
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