Page 11 - Cornice_Grade 5
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        Lois Lowry

               Lois Lowry is a known author
        of books that are based on subjects.
        She has written many books that in-
        clude: The Giver Quartet, Number the
        Stars and Rabble Starkey.
        She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on
        20 March, 1937. When Lois Lowry
        was little she used to move around a
        lot because she was raised in a military
        family.She loved reading and writing

               She went to Elementary in
        Franklin School, then went to Brown
        University and a university in South-
        ern Maine for higher education. She
        was a very shy kid growing up. She
        always wanted to be a writer since her
               Lois Lowry writes in a third person perspective. She also writes descriptive words to make children
        understand. Her writing style is unique and interesting.

               Lois Lowry has got many awards including the John Newberry Medal, Dorothy Canfield Fisher Chil-
        dren's book award, Anne V. Zarrow award for Young Readers Literature, Regina Medal, Golden Kite award
        for fiction and National Jewish book award for children’s Literature.
        She published her first book “A Summer to Die '' in 1977. The story of this book was about her sister’s death.
        “The Giver” is her most popular book and was inspired by her dad’s memory loss. She has written over 30
        books in her career.

        - Diwis Shakya
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