Page 16 - Cornice_Grade 5
P. 16
Baba and Gupta
Baba is one of the main characters of the book Tiger Boy. He is the father of
Neel and the protagonist whereas Gupta is a newcomer who does cruel things and
is the antagonist.
The two people have very few similarities. They are both men living in Sunder-
bans who are looking for the tiger cub.
The two have many differences though some might say that Baba is the oppo-
site of Gupta. Such as Gupta is the antagonist, while Baba is one of the main char-
acters of the story. While Gupta is selfish, Baba is selfless and always has time for
his family. Baba is big and strong but Gupta is fat and weak. He is a criminal because
he poaches animals, while Baba is an honest man who loves the animals and sundari
trees of Sunderbans.
Gupta is way richer than Baba and he is mean and doesn’t treat anyone
with respect. But, Baba is kind and treats people with respect. Gupta is greedy as
he always wants more money while Baba is happy with what he has. Gupta is hot
tempered and gets angry easily but Baba doesn't like to raise his voice. This is proven
when the Headmaster had scolded Baba because of Neel, but he neither talked back
to the Headmaster nor did he scold Neel. The main difference between Baba and
Gupta is their attitude towards nature and the animals of Sunderbans. Gupta cuts
Sundari trees to build his bunglow and poaches animals but Baba is always protecting
Sundari trees and the animals of the reserve.
- Nirav Basnet