Page 18 - Cornice_Grade 5
P. 18
Title: Ella Diaries I Love Pets
Author: Meredith Costain
Illustrator: Danielle McDonald
Genre: Fiction
Age range: 7 to 10 years
Synopsis: Ella was having career day at school and animal experts had
come. On the last career day, firefighters had come but they were there to
put off the real fire. Ella loved pets. She had a dog named Bob. Ella wanted
to be an animal expert. The animal experts had brought a puppy named Coco.
It was a poodle. A girl named Peach Parker who Ella thought was really an-
noying held Coco for way too long and no one else got a chance to hold her.
After the animal experts were done with their talk, Ella asked them if there
was anything that she could do to start doing to get the job. Animal experts
told her she should writing a file about animals. And Ella wrote about Bob.
After she wrote about Bob she didn’t have any other pets to write about. So
she asked her parents if she could get more pets but they said no. Ella tried
everything to get the pets. To find out if she gets a pet or not, please read
the book.
- Parinya Sthapit