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Military Family Finances
The Military The Military
Personal Finance Financial
Pocket Guide Independence
Ronald L. Krannich, Ph.D. & Retirement
#7384 Offers numerous in- Pocket Guide
sider tips on financial plan- Doug Nordman
ning, budgeting, invest- #8027 This pocket guide
ment, insurance, banking,
credit cards, borrowing, tax offers service members, vet-
erans, and their families an
strategies, VA benefits, and
retirement. Includes sound important roadmap for becoming financially independent
prior to committing themselves to full-time retirement.
advice on setting goals
and making smart financial decisions for a lifetime. Covers Emphasizing the importance of family, lifestyle, and bridge
careers, it provides important answers to one of today’s key
buying cars and houses, navigating the insurance maze,
understanding education benefits, paying for college, transition questions: “What do you want to do with the rest of
your life?” Dispelling numerous myths about military transi-
handling military pay, paying and saving on taxes,
acquiring child care services, and much more. Also, tion, finances, and retirement, it focuses on the two essential
inflation-protected benefits military retirees can build upon
includes special sections on financial predators, your legal
rights, and starting a home-based business for supple- for creating a financially independent and semi-retired life-
style – military pension and TRICARE. It shows how to create
menting family income and building bridges to the civilian
work world. Jam-packed with checklists, tips, examples, a sound financial house based upon military benefits, sav-
ings, investment potfolios, bridge careers, part-time work,
exercises, and sample communications for strengthening
ones financial I.Q. 64 pages. 2015. ISBN 978-1-57023-357-9. and frugal living. 64 pages. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-320-3.
$2.95. SPECIALS: 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for
$2.95. SPECIALS: 25 copies for $62.85; 100 copies for $207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.
$207.00; 1,000 copies for $1,770.00.
Military and Veterans Benefits Kit Military Finances
#7646 Discover what benefits you’re entitled to and how Cheryl Lawhorne-Scott and Don
to best file and collect on claims with this fine collection Philpott
of military and veteran’s benefits books. Can purchase #9002 This one-stop guide addresses
separately. SPECIAL: $109.95 for all 8 books. many financial questions facing today’s
y Claim Denied! How to Appeal a VA Denial military in all phases of service, from ac-
of Benefits ($16.95) tive duty to transition and retirement.
y Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents, Offers sound advice on all aspects of
and Survivors ($15.95) money management for military, veterans, and their
y Military Guide to Financial Independence families. 206 pages. 2015. $25.00. SPECIALS: 10 copies
and Retirement ($17.95) for $229.95; 100 copies for $2,119.95.
y Military Family Benefits Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y Military Financial Independence and Retirement First Comes Love, Then Comes Money:
Pocket Guide ($2.95)
y The Strategic Student Veteran ($21.95) A Couple’s Guide to Financial Communication
y The Veteran’s PTSD Handbook: How to File and Collect Bethany Palmer and Scott Palmer.
on Claims for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder ($19.95) #9014 The number one cause for
y Veteran’s Survival Guide: How to File and Collect on divorce is financial infidelity. “The
VA Claims ($19.95) Money Couple” reveals the miss-
ing ingredient needed before any
John D. Roche. A comprehensive do-it-yourself financial plan can work: healthy fi-
book for veterans. Chapters include: Basics You nancial communication. Tells how
Must Know, Getting Around the Road Block, Com- to diagnose your level of financial
pensation Claims: How to Do It Right, Claims Based infidelity; identify your individual
on Treatment by the VA, Claims Based on Second- Money Personality; master the Money Huddle and
ary Disabilities, C&P Examinations, Prove It or Lose It, Filing Your the Money Dump; achieve financial goals once and
Claim, A Well-Grounded Claim, The VA’s Duty to Assist, and for all. 208 pages. 2009. $14.99. SPECIALS: 10 cop-
Doctrine of Reasonable Doubt. 286 pages. 2006. $19.95. SPE- ies for $139.95; 100 copies for $1,295.00.
CIALS: 10 copies for $179.95; 100 copies for $1,599.95.
The Military Guide to Financial Independence and Retirement
Doug Nordman
#8026 A U.S. Naval Academy graduate, retired submariner, Hawaiian surfer, seasoned blogger,
and wise financial advisor provides servicemembers, veterans, and their families with seasoned
advice on how to become financially independent prior to committing themselves to full-time
retirement. Shows how to build a sound financial house based upon maximizing military bene-
fits, savings, frugal living, and investing in oneself. 2011. ISBN 978-1-57023-319-7. $17.95. Spe-
cials: 10 copies for $134.60; 100 copies for $1,077.00; 1,000 copies for $7,180.00.
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