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Parenting Principles DVD Parenting Basics Video Library DVD
#9168 Positive parenting begins by #8872 These 24 videos focus on parenting babies from birth
creating an emotionally healthy en- to 12 months. Focusing on health literacy and featuring real
vironment for children to grow, filled families, these programs show young parents
with love, guidance, and respect. Ex- how to make healthy choices for themselves
amines 10 basic principles of good and their children. Individual titles examine six
parenting. Parents share their per- subjects for four age groups (6 videos for each
sonal experiences while Dr. Stein- age group): Birth to 6 Months; 7-12 Months;
berg discusses the important role 1-Year-Olds; 2-Year Olds. Subjects include:
parents play in shaping emotional- y Nutrition y Play and Milestones
ly healthy children. 38 minutes. © y Health and Safety y Self Care for Moms
2014. $99.95 y Emotional Health and y Fatherhood
Positive Discipline
Active Parenting Video Library Suitable for ages 13 to adults. Viewing time: 10-12 min-
(4th Edition) DVD utes per video. Available in English or Spanish. $99.95
for each video: SPECIAL: $3,199.00 for all 24 videos.
#8028 Designed for parents of children ages 5 to 12, this
set of 6 stand-alone videos pro-
vides parents with the skills they Perfect Parenting for Military Families DVD
need to meet the challenges of #331 Two terrific video programs provide sound advice
parenting in today’s turbulent on developing effective parenting skills. 45-51 minutes
society: each. SPECIAL: Both for $259.00.
y The Active Parent • Children of Military Families: Several children share their
y Cooperation & personal stories of what it is like to have a parent in the mil-
Communication itary serving overseas. Learn what deployment means to
y Responsibility & Discipline them, the struggles they have faced, and how they have
gotten through challenging times. 43 minutes. $169.95
y Building Courage & Self-Esteem
y Understanding and Redirecting Misbehavior • Solutions to Ten Common Parenting Problems: Pro-
y Active Parenting for School Success vides solutions to many problems commonly experienced
by parents of young children. Shows how to deal with spe-
25 to 35 minutes each. Available in English or Spanish cific problems: temper tantrums; bed-wetting; misbehav-
(please specify). Can purchase separately for $95.95 each. ior at mealtime and bedtime; and sibling rivalry. Answers
SPECIAL: Complete set of 6 videos, for $499.00. commonly asked questions. 51 minutes. $89.95
Warriors, Combat, and Killing
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning Once a Warrior,
to Kill in War and Society (Rev. Edition) Always a Warrior:
By Dave Grossman Navigating the Transition
#2906 A noted psychologist and former U.S. Army offi- from Combat to Home
cer examines what makes soldiers kill or not and how en-
abling factors in killing relate to the rampant violence and Col. Charles W. Hoge, MD
callous attitudes afflicting American society. Examines #7970 Helps family members and
the role of video games in promoting violence. One of veterans cope with combat stress
the most insightful books on what motivates anger and and PTSD with a set of specific skills:
violence in people. 2009. $18.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies life survival, managing stress, monitoring feelings and
for $179.95; 100 copies for $1,569.00. emotions, and navigating the mental health-care sys-
On Hunting tem. Includes a section on loss and coping strategies for
family members. 328 pages. 2010. $18.95. SPECIALS:
By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman and Capt, Keith A. Cunningham 10 copies for $173.95; 100 copies for $1,529.00.
9989 Where does hunting fit in the modern world? To
many, it can seem outdated or even cruel, but as On
Hunting affirms, hunting is holistic, honest, and continu- Soldiers of Conscience (DVD) DVD
ally relevant. Authors Grossman, Miller, and Cunningham #7833 This award-winning (5
dive deep into the ancient past of hunting and examine best-documentary awards at film fes-
its position today, demonstrating that we cannot under- tivals) program examines war, peace,
stand humanity without first understanding hunting. and the power of the human con-
2023. 416 pages. $18.99. SPECIALS: 10 copies for science. Eight Iraq War soldiers face
$172.95; 100 copies for $1,529.00. the most difficult moral decision of
their lives: to kill of not to kill. All are
The Good Soldier (DVD) DVD torn between the demands of duty
and the call of conscience. Four of the
#7877 “War is about one thing only: it’s about killing.” This soldiers decide not to kill; the other
film examines how soldiers grapple simultaneously with four believe in their duty to kill if nec-
their duty and their own humanity as it tracks the perilous essary. Used at West Point to help students learn how to
psychological journeys of four decorated combat veterans talk about the moral questions of war and violence. 86
of World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Iraq War. Includes minutes. 2008. $149.00
a combination of frank interviews and battlefield footage.
54 minutes. 2009. $169.95
orders 800.361.1055 | online ordering 19